EnneaSummer2019: Q&A with Seth Abram

After an incredibly fun couple of weeks talking about the enneagram, you guys submitted a LOT of questions about your own enneagram journey. One of my favorite experts, Seth Abram, joins us to go through your list of questions and give us an Enneagram 201 next level class. Your brain is gonna love this. And remember- this is a journey for all of us. Give yourself time to learn and search out your own number, wing, etc. 

You can follow Seth and learn tons at @integratedenneagram.

All the books and resources listed by Seth are available on my website- head to the podcast tab and search for this show!

Suzanne Stabile

Beth McCord

Haley Watkins

Ian Cron

Seth Abram

Karen Horney’s Three Trends

Old Authors:

The Enneagram Institute


International Enneagram Global Conference

More on stress and security numbers, wings, instincts/ subtypes 

More on wings 

Claudio Naranjo

Patrick O’Leary

Beatrice Chestnut

John Luckovich

Mario Sikora

Tom Condon

Evan Barbee

Viktor Frankl

Passions/ Virtues of the numbers


The Enneagram of Death book by Elizabeth Wagele

More on Triads

Chris Huertz

Nan Hinson

Heart of the Enneagram podcast 

The Art of Growth: Enneagram Panels podcast

Planted in Love book

Leslie Hershberger

Email questions to: sethabrammusic@gmail.com

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