Episode 210: John Eldredge

John Eldredge

I fangirl hard today on this episode with John Eldredge. His writings, his podcast, his teachings- his work has shaped my heart for two decades and I’m so grateful. While we recorded this conversation before COVID19 was the pandemic it is today, these words were perfectly meant for today. John is about to invite you to think through the importance of whole-heartedness and what it is like to be a human right now.

His new book Get Your Life Back is an absolute gift. Here are the other resources that I think will help you right now:

John’s website

John’s podcast

One Minute Pause App

. . . . .

(We’re still rolling with the #TSFQuarantine podcasts every morning with Eddie Kaufholz! Check those out for a few laughs and a little hope!)

Listen Here: https://podlink.to/ThatSoundsFun

Thank you to our sponsors!

John Eldridge

The Journey of Desire book

The Sacred Romance book

Wild at Heart book

Kevin Queen

C.S. Lewis

One Minute Pause App

The Shallows by Nicholas Carr

Psalm 1

Australia fires

Earthquakes in Turkey

Walking with God book

John 10

Leanne Payne

Dallas Willard

Hebrews 3:15

Revelation 3:20

Hebrews 1

Ephesians 1:17

Romans 8:1

Frozen 2


John 21

Romans 8

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