Let’s have some fun.


I love having fun.

I mean, I spend a portion of every day trying to thing of ways to add fun to whatever activity I am doing. I’ve heard through the grapevine that some people think about how to find “quiet” and others think about how to find “peace” in their daily lives, but me? I look for fun. And extra fun.

Going to lunch with friends is fun. But going somewhere NEW is extra fun.

Going to the lake is fun. But paddleboarding is extra fun.

Going to the movies is fun. Going to the late showing at the last second in sweat pants is extra fun.

[Obviously. All subjective.]

I think it’s okay to look for fun.

Just last night in Zumba class, there were two girls taking things FAR. TOO. SERIOUSLY. I mean, they were trying very very hard to keep their heart rate up and turn the dance moves into aerobics moves.

Mainly, they were sucking the fun out of the room. And that’s no bueno to me because Zumba is one of the few [VERY FEW] exercises I have found to be fun. So a fun-sucker in the room is quite unwelcome.

Here are some other things I think are fun:

  • county fairs
  • reading by the pool
  • dancing at wedding receptions
  • Georgia football games
  • Cheering for Vanderbilt baseball games
  • pinterest
  • laughing with friends
  • trying new beauty products
  • attending country music concerts
  • going on walks in Scotland
  • hanging out with my friends

Ok- so I’m telling you all this fun information [literally] for a reason.

I want to know- what do you think is fun? I’m making a list…. a long list… of fun things. And I want your help.

So what do you think is fun? Hobbies? People to hang out with? Places to go? Food to eat/cook?

List on, listers. Let’s do this.

Let's be friends!

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