Day 17 :: Random Words of Kindness

31 ways I like the new fad of paying the person behind you in the drive thru. I feel like almost daily I’ll see someone on facebook or twitter say that they got a free coffee or Chick-fil-A biscuit because the person in front of them paid for it.

You never know how that matters to someone. They may not know your name, or even see your face, but God used you as a blessing.

Pretty great stuff.

Today’s SPEAK LOVE NOW challenge is going to require a few things from you, namely courage and some time in a public place.

Because just like a random act of kindness to a stranger can really change their day, so can a random word of kindness.

It’s time to surprise someone with a nice word or twelve. What could that look like? A thousand different things in a thousand different places. Here’s some ideas:

  • thank your mailman
  • tell the girl at Kroger that you like her hairstyle
  • swing by a church, stop in, and tell the secretary that she matters to that congregation
  • look up your local elementary, middle, or high school on the internet and send an email of appreciation to the principal
  • grab fifteen notecards and write encouraging Bible verses on them and then leave them on the windshield of the cars in your parking lot at work
  • buy one book or a Bible and give it away
  • go by a nursing home and sit and chat with some of the residents for a few minutes
  • tell someone you pass by in the store or on the street or at school or work that God loves them

It’s not hard. It may be a little intimidating and scary and could take up some of your time, but I promise it could change somebody’s day.

. . . . .


So go do it, friends. Go spread some random words of kindness.

What are some other suggestions for how to spread random words of kindness around today? Do you have a story of a time a stranger said something that made a difference to you? Or a time when you talked to someone you don’t know and you know it made an impact? Share with us! 🙂


This is Day 17 of 31 Ways to Speak Love. You can click here to see a list of all the posts in the series

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