I can’t believe we are 26 days into this thing and I haven’t talked about teenagers yet.
Gracious. They are my people.
I’ve seen a lot of teenage/college girls this fall and it has been a treat. I love talking to them about the power of words, about what God is asking them to do with their words, and how they have the power to change the world.
I really believe that.
You hear plenty of stories of how teen girls are using their words to tear each other down and hurt one another, but imagine the power if we taught them and trained them to speak life over each other?
Oh, don’t even get me started. DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED on what that could do to our planet.
Have you heard of Florrie Evans? A teenager during the Welsh Revival in 1904, she “publicly confessed that she loved the Lord Jesus Christ with all her heart. This she did in the morning youth meeting at her church. Her simple words were the spark that lit revival fire in her church and in the west Wales area, a fire that would soon become national in its scope. These words spoken on Sunday February 14 1904 were to be the first drops of an n international downpour.” (source)
I believe our girls can do that too.
I could almost cry when I start thinking about it- about the power they have, the honor we have to lead them, and the ways God will change the world through the generation of teenagers that are growing up right now.
Speak love to the teen girls in your life- bloom things in them that change their hearts.
Believe in them.
Teach them.
Talk to them.
Talk with them.
Watch them do it. They will.
I wrote Speak Love for the young women of our world because I want to see them whole, healed, and using their words for the glory of God.
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I’m really looking forward to Wednesday night when I get to hop on Facebook and do a live chat / book club / internet talking thingy. Everyone is welcome whether you’ve read all some or none of the book. 6pm EST we’ll be on Girls of Grace’s facebook page. I’m stoked about it. Let’s get together and talk about how we use our words, how we can speak love, and how God is changing this planet through girls like me and you. This is for teen girls and mamas and leaders and friends- all of y’all. 🙂 So join us and spread the word.
Also, to speak love now, why not call a teen girl you know and love today and tell her how much she means to you and how much you believe in her? It will mean more than you know.
This is Day 26 of 31 Ways to Speak Love. You can click here to see a list of all the posts in the series.