31 Books: Hinds’ Feet On High Places (Book #21)


hindsHinds Feet on High Places

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Hannah Hurnard
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What the book is about:

Hinds’ Feet on High Places is the story of a young woman named Much Afraid and her journey away from her Fearing family into the High Places of the Shepherd. It is an allegory of the Christian life from salvation through maturity. It doesn’t actually describe life in Heaven, but shows how the Christian is transformed from unbeliever to immature believer to mature believer, who walks daily with his/her Lord as easily on the High Places of Joy in the spirit as in the daily life of the mundane and often-times humiliating trials that tempt us to lose perspective of who we now are in Christ.

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Why I like it:

Not for the cover art, that’s for sure. EEK.

A friend gave me this book a few years ago and it really spoke to my heart. It’s not a hard read- it’s a sweet story that is simple to connect with that will illustrate different experiences in our spiritual journey. Love love love it. In fact, I’m about to pull it off my shelf and start again today. I need it.

But please buy a copy with a better cover because CHEESY.

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Buy it here.

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