Week 2 of the Bloom Book Club!


Oh friends.

So we are on week two of the (in)courage Bloom Book Club. It has already been such a fun experience, connecting with HUNDREDS of readers around the world as they discuss chapters from Let’s All Be Brave.

It feels weird, honestly. But a good weird- a “how in the world did God pick this life for me” weird. It’s weird when you write about personal things like hearing God and moving to new cities and boys and such. It’s a double level of weird when you see a whole slew of people talking about said personal things.

So. Those are my current emotions about the Bloom Book Club. You’re welcome.

Some items I want to make sure you know:

Even if you’ve already read the book, you can totally jump in and watch the videos and join the discussion with us!

If you haven’t read the book, you can totally jump in and watch the videos and join the discussion with us! (And the e-book is only $4 if you wanna grab it and catch up with us!)

If you are reading the book, you can totally jump in and watch the videos and join the discussion with us!


Today’s focus and video are on the two chapters that really hold my heart- Nashville and Edinburgh. You can read the comments in the comment section below the post and maybe, just maybe, you will get teary like I did hearing women discuss the voice of God and brave steps they want to take in their life.

Here are all the details and the schedule of reading so you can keep up with us.

Hope you’ll join us. The videos and conversation just keep getting better and better!!


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