Well here’s a thing that’s never happened before.


I haven’t blogged in a month.

I’m so sorry, y’all.

If you were around these parts for the writing phase of Let’s All Be Brave in 2013, you probably haven’t been all that surprised. When I’m writing, I’m quieter here. I don’t mean to be, I just run out of words by the end of the work day.

(By the way, the Let’s All Be Brave ebook is only $2.99! So if you haven’t gotten it yet, this is your time, people.)

So yes. I’m writing. Yes, a book.

I will tell you more about what I’m working on suuuuuuper soon. I promise! As soon as I’m allowed to spill the beans, SPILL THE BEANS I SHALL.

Also. Here’s another real truth. There’s a lot going on in our world that I just don’t know how to put words around. And as I watch people on the internet say a lot of things very quickly, I find myself saying very little because it only takes one little viral incident (or when you have a blog post that will not quit being shared) to teach a blogger to keep her mouth shut unless she is SURE she wants a million people to read her thoughts. 🙂 And in some of what’s going on right now, I just need to think and process and pray a little more before I speak.

It’s this new thing I’m trying. Thinking before I speak. I’ll let you know how it goes. 🙂

Here’s what I will tell you. My pastor Pete Wilson used a verse last week that I can’t get out of my head.

Galatians 5:6

The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.

So I’m trying to filter all the things through

1) What do I believe about God?

2) How do I express that faith through love?

3) What does that actually look like in my life?

I hope that verse will mean something to you today. It’s been messing with me the last two and half weeks, in the right kind of ways. And when I think about writing and blogging and what’s going on with our world and what I want to say, I just keep thinking about what it looks like for love to be expressed because of my faith.

Paul says it’s the only thing that counts. I think he may be right.

. . . . .

I mean. Have you ever read a more jumbled what in the world blog post in your life?!? I know. I’m so sorry. But I wanted to say hi and let you know all is well I am alive I’m just a little quiet and writing and thinking and learning and summer.

Hope you are well too.

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