1/2 a day.

12 hours.

That’s how long I’ve been asleep.

I got home around 5pm from housesitting at an AMAZING house (they are lucky I left- I seriously considered staying and making the two sons share a room). My plan was to grab a few things, check my email [it’s called an “addiction”], and head back to church for our once a month prayer service, FaceDown, at 6pm.

[Which, by the way, the sermon yesterday at RiverStone Church was AWESOME. As soon as it is up on our archaic website, I will send you there.]

Anyways, back to 5pm. So it was 5pm, I laid down on my bed for a minute to check ye old email, and next thing I knew, I was snoozling, and I had drooled my way to 7:45pm.

“Dang,” I thought, “I really wanted to go to FaceDown because they were praying for Summer Camp AND walking in your calling.”

Then I rolled over.

Woke up again at 11:00pm.

“Dang,” I thought, “Now I’m never going to be able to sleep tonight because I napped for 6 hours.”

Then I rolled over.

Woke up again at 4:30am.

At which point I decided that to roll over again would really be unnecessary. And honestly, with the family out of town and me having to be at school by 8am for post-planning, who knows what time the next natural wake up call would be. Not a risk I’m willing to take. Though it would have been an interesting experiment to know how long I can possibly sleep.

So I got up. Emptied the dishwasher, folded a load of clothes, emailed my mother, RSVPed to the rehearsal dinner and bridesmaid luncheon for THIS WEDDING, checked a load of blogs I like to read, read your sweet comments about RagamuffinTop Challenge, and wrote this here blog- all before 5:30am.


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