That Sounds Fun Podcast Episode 11: Angie Smith

Happy Looking For Lovely Bible Study Launch Week! (that’s a mouthful)

I’m so so happy with how the studies turned out AND how they connect beautifully with Looking For Lovely (the book). BUT. It was a surprisingly challenging experience, to be honest, writing a Bible study. I had no idea how different Bible study writing and book writing were! But BOY DID I LEARN.

So for this episode of the podcast, I sat down with one of my very favorite humans/Bible study writers, Angie Smith. Pretty much, it’s a free therapy session for me about the writing process…. and we invited y’all to join us.

What you are about to experience is pretty much exactly what every single conversation between us is like- ping-ponging from funny to serious to updating to heartbreaking to laughing. We are truly this insane. (But we may really be on to something with this twix bar idea.)

(You can download the episode here, or if you subscribe to the That Sounds Fun podcast, every new episode will drop into your podcast app. Or you can listen below!)

Here are the links to things we discuss on the podcast:

— Angie Smith

— Looking For Lovely

Looking For Lovely Bible Studies

(Here’s a great chart to help you decide between the blue cover and the yellow cover!)

— IF:Gathering

Jennie Allen

— Seamless Bible Studies

Beth Moore’s Bible Studies (Ang & I both LOVE The Patriarchs!)

— Lisa Harper’s Believing Jesus study

WELD (where we recorded)

My embarrassing Mumford day

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