
Here’s another installment of YouBlog– where I introduce you to one of your fellow blogmies. Remember the goal is to get to know each other! Many of you readers/commenters were born to be friends- I just know it. And I’m out to prove it!

Today I want to introduce you to Victoria.

Seriously. What a name. So fancy and beautiful. I actually got to meet her last weekend and she was super sweet. I mean, one meeting doesn’t make people b-fries, and I don’t know her super well, but what I do know of her is quite fancy and wonderful. Victoria blogs over at Let The Son Shine and her writing is absolutely lovely and inspiring.

Here we are last weekend. We were totally born to be friends. Look! I’m wearing a super cute posy pin. More on that particular accessory tomorrow.


I particularly enjoy when Victoria writes poetry. This post called REJOICE really stands out to me. A friend asked me recently if I ever write poetry. My answer is that I do sometimes for fun, but I’m not near refined enough to be a poet. Victoria, on the other hand, is for certain a poet. It’s absolutely lovely.

So hop on over to her place and say hi- tell her AnnieBlogs sends her sincerest regards. [I mean, that sounds fancy, right?]

Do you wanna be featured one week as the YouBlog-ger? Just email me at annieblogs [at] gmail [dot] com and put “YouBlog” in the subject line. Or leave a comment. I don’t know… just get in touch with me. :)

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