A weekend worthy of documentation.

A few things before we get started. [Consider these the “announcements”, if you will. And I know you will.]

1. Sweet Angela over at Becoming Me graciously featured me this week on her blog. So go check it out and read some facts about me that you probably already know but you can pretend are fascinating and novel and other adjectives of that nature.

2. I also have my first article up at the SheSeeks website. So bop over there and read/comment about mentoring relationships and how accidental they can be.  [And if you aren’t reading the stuff at SheSeeks, you are totally missing out. Sure, we can still be friends, but I’m gonna feel sorry for you every day.]


I absolutely must tell you about my weekend. In bullet point form, because that is how I am feeling.

– I started my Friday with a meeting about Help-Portrait. Check it out. I’m kinda giggly clappy about the whole thing- I’m not a photographer [duh], but I’m excited to be helping equip photographers to GIVE pictures instead of just taking them.

– My friend Marie and her roommate DJ came into town on Friday night.

– We went to a show- Joy Williams opening for Andy Davis. We sat at a big long table with the likes of Marisa and Jeremy and seriously, it was one of the best shows I’ve been to in Nashville. Joy was flawless. Andy killed from start to finish. An amazing show.

– Saturday we started with a breakfast at the restaurant that might soon receive the label of “Annie’s favorite breakfast place in Nashville.” Which, if you haven’t heard, is meaningless quite the honor. It’s called Sky Blue and the breakfast bowl with veggie sausage makes me want to stay there and never leave. I’m not exaggerating. Well, I sorta am. But I’m serious when I say it’s delicious.

carnton_porch[That’s a ridiculously long paragraph about breakfast. My apologies to lunch and dinner.]

– Then Betsy, Marie, DJ, and I went to Carnton Plantation [as evidenced here]. Our tour guide was like, MR. BATTLE OF FRANKLIN, and he knew so. very. much. I kinda think historical tours are beyond awesome, so I was in heaven. The guide had some strong feelings towards this particular battle, and when a man in our tour called is a “skirmish”, well, let’s just say he fell out of favor quickly. Sadly I also fell out of favor- I asked a question prematurely. I obviously screwed up his flow and from then on, I stayed quiet and kept my head down.

– Saturday night consisted of a UGA victory [barely], a quick bowling game for my dear friend Hollie’s birthday [with a dance-off that made. my. year.], and then sushi with another wonderful Annie.29597245

– Sunday was church, lunch, goodbyes to Marie and DJ, some time with our Capetown team [check out our cute pic], then, as every Sunday should have, a quick snoozle.

– Our church has started new classes called “intensives” on Sunday nights. So I’m taking the class about how to study the Bible. After two hours of taking notes and listening close, I came away with this big idea- I need to be cultivating humility at every opportunity.

Cultivating humility.

I don’t even know how to begin that, but I told God I wanted to do it, so I’m pretty sure He’s gonna take care of it.


– Finally, I played a crazy late night game of capture the flag. 3 thoughts then I promise I’m done:

  1. We aren’t teenagers anymore. Bodies can’t run, jump, switch direction, etc. as well as we could ten years ago. One injury 45 minutes into the game reminded us all of it.
  2. I fell down. A lot. I mean seriously, y’all. I’m ashamed of myself. I could blame it on the random hill, or the roots of the trees, or the weak former cankle, but mainly it has to do with my inability to keep my feet below my body when said body is in motion.
  3. But it was super fun and a great ending to a great weekend.

Your turn- what was the highlight(s) of your weekend?

**Remember to sign up to win Daisy Chain, check out Angela’s blog, and my article on SheSeeks!**

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