Here’s another installment of YouBlog– where I introduce you to one of your fellow blogmies. Remember the goal is to get to know each other! Many of you readers/commenters were born to be friends- I just know it. And I’m out to prove it!
Marijke is one of my most long standing blog friends. I feel like she and I have been crossing internet paths for a long time. Not only is she a great blogger, Marijke is also an amazing singer- here’s the link to her myspace page. Let that puppy play in the background as you read today. Sets quite the appropriate mood.
The post I want you to read is short, but HILARIOUS. And remember, I love the guys of Third Day a ton, but I just thought this Letter to the Editor was too cute to pass over.
I absolutely love the part about Testify To Love. Funny stuff.
Hope y’all enjoy her words and her tunes. Tell Marijke that I said hi, and maybe she should bring that sweet folk americana voice to Nashville!
Hope you have enjoyed YouBlogs! We are booked up here until the end of 2009. So if you wanna be featured, hang on and another chance will come around in 2010!