I’m excited to participate with my buddies over at YLCF.org as many ladies talk today about their normal everyday life.
Let me give you a short, but important, list of disclaimers:
- Just because I live in Nashville does not mean I hang out with country stars everyday [though Reba will not. quit. calling. Yes, Reba, we can grab coffee tomorrow. Sheesh.]
- I don’t have a real job. I have eight [that’s not a typo] part-time jobs. So no two days look alike.
- The rules say you can’t fudge on your day. So I won’t. But…. I’m going to tell you I get up every morning at 8am. [Imagine an exaggerated wink after that. And pray that God forgives me for lying.]
So, with no further ado, here’s a peek into Annie’s [not so] normal Nashville day:
8am: Get up. [wink] I usually putz around the house for an hour or so- shower, wash my hair everyday [which I know is bad but quit judging me], eat breakfast, try to read the Bible, pray, journal, etc.
10am-12pm: Write. Either pitching articles, working on a personal writing project, doing freelance work, etc. This is NOT the time that I write for my blog or respond to blog comments.
12pm: Eat a healthy lunch at home [wink] or go out to eat with friends. Usually Baja Burrito. We heart that place mucho.
Afternoon: Options: nanny for this guy’s kids, work at Mocha Club, work on writing things at Frothy Monkey. If the writing option is the winner, this is when I usually respond to emails, work on the biz-nass side of being an author- building platform, connecting with other authors, brainstorming new books, etc.
5pm: Leave nanny/Mocha Club/etc. and go tutor. Usually only 3 times a week. I tutor an 8th grade dude in math and ORGANIZATION GOOD GRAVY and I tutor an 11th grade girl that is as darlin’ as the day is long in pre-calculus. Which is a subject I am very good at. [wink]
6pm: Go home and watch TV [dealing with the massive amount of Bravo on my DVR] or read on my back porch or hang out with friends. This is NO COMPUTER TIME.
7pm: Eat dinner, usually with friends. Cause I like my people. Other options: church small group, a show to hear some cool new musician, hang out on someone’s porch and listen as boys play guitars, sit around and talk. Whatevs.
10pm: Try to be home. [wink] And this is when I write my blog post for the next day [Am I breaking your heart that I don’t actually write Wednesday’s post on WEDNESDAY? Sorry bout it.] and respond to emails.
Midnight+: I’m great at working late at night. So I sometimes write- this is when I work on stuff that no one is going to see for a long time. Future books, crazy blog posts, creative ideas, things that I sometimes read the next day and say, “WOW. I need to delete that. Embarrassing, Annie, embarrassing.”
Sleep comes at some point, which is why that 8am is negotiable. But only after I drink a small glass of orange juice [horrible for my body, I know] and put on socks.
Don’t judge me. My feet get very cold.
And that’s my day.