
While I’m hanging out with my peeps at home, I wanted to let you know about a couple of things.

  • There is a new video on the Get Fit page- my friend Annie and I are making a bean salsa medley thingy. Very healthy and very tasty. Watch the video HERE and then the recipe is RIGHT HERE. And though there is no cheese in the recipe, there is much talk of cheese. Per usual.

[The other option is to watch the video right here. It’s larger and easier to see and I really do want you to try this recipe.]

  • Thanks thanks THANKS for your prayers about my foot. It has healed well and I am back to exercising on it. [Not that I HATED having a day off or anything, but I am glad to be back to my workout regime.]

[Things I never planned to say: “glad to be back to my workout regime.”]

See y’all tomorrow.

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