Since I am severely jet-lagged still and my face would scare children, I think I’ll just show you a few pics of my living sitch.
[That’s an abbrev for “situation” — I don’t love it, but it makes me laugh. So. There’s that.]
Because my friend Molly really hates when I tell the internet my home address, I’m just going to show you pics from inside of the flat. Cool? Also, I have 2 roommates who, in the first 48 hours, seem totally great. But since they didn’t really sign up to be “blog topics,” we’ll leave them out of this for now.
Here’s the thing. I’m not a city dweller, per say. So when I have four locks on the door and someone is waiting for me downstairs and I can’t get the door open because I don’t know which lock to undo, I am quickly reminded that I am out of my element. [Also, I thought I was going to be stuck in my house forever. I eventually figured it out, but I did almost rip one of the locks off the door. Oops.]
This is the living room. I can’t remember what they call it- “the lounge” maybe?
And here is the kitchen. So cute, right? See the dishwasher? See the washing machine? See the dryer? Nope. You don’t see the dryer. Because there isn’t one. Oh, I’ll survive just fine. I’m merely helping you understand why my unmentionables will be hanging from the drying racks around the home.
And this note was on the board the day I arrived. Words are definitely my love language, so they nailed it on this one. Sure, I moved in with strangers. Is that not normal? [I’m kidding sorta. We had mutual friends. Don’t freak out. And kids, don’t live with strangers.]
And here is my room! So cute, right? And. Just so you know. There is a cat that lives outside my window and she thinks it is cool to scream her brains out around 5am. Today, I literally thought she was giving birth. [She wasn’t.]
So this is right when you walk in the door. If you turn to the right….
My dresser, filled to the max. Dear heavens I brought too many clothes. I mean, sure, I’m here for five months, but still. Also, I hope you home decor folks appreciate my use of the ladder as a bag display. [I’m also using it as a towel rack, but I took them down. It’s weird to look at other people’s towels I think.]
If you turn right again, this is right next to the door- my wardrobe. Like a closet, but cooler. And yes, I hope you are totes impressed with my suitcase storage. Trying to get that monster up there was laughable. Sorry you missed it.
Turn right again [and by “turn right” you get that I’m literally rotating, right? Not like “walking around” so much as just “spinning around.” Cool. Just making sure we’re all on the same page.] Appreciate the trendy wave mirror. It was here when I got here. So. Also, the radiator where I forgot to remove a towel. Sorry. It’s weird, I know.
On the other side of the room, I have this cool mantel. It doesn’t have space for all my picture frames, so I’ll be rotating them out… I have about four more in a drawer. Sorry. I love my people. And yes, I do have two copies of my own book up there. Don’t hate.
And that yellow book? It’s my photobook from my 30th birthday party. I look at it about every day. It was beautiful, thrown by my best friends, and full of those dearest to me in Nash. So, what I’m saying is that it’s a cry fest every time.
Of course, I couldn’t leave home without these. Go dawgs sic ’em.
And an upclose of my duvet cover. You’re welcome. It only cost £10 [which is like $14.50], so thank you, Ikea, for being cheap and cutesy.
So there you have it.
The magazines on my bed are all about two things:
- Edinburgh Festival, which is the whole month of August and some of September. I want to be prepared for all the good times, so I’m doing some reading.
- Cell phone plans. Sheesh.
Sorry if this post was super boring to everyone except my Mama. HI MOM!!!
See you guys tomorrow… my first TOP 5 FRIDAY from Scotland. Booyah.