We’ve done it. Somehow, we’ve managed to talk about courage for a full 31 days.
And I. Have. Loved. It.
There is so much left to say, so much left for me to learn from you, so many more verses and Bible stories to discuss. Stick around… I don’t think we’re quite done with this topic yet. [Though I will be happy to focus on something different in November… like leaving Edinburgh. Weird.]
Speaking of Edinburgh, here’s something I forgot to tell you. In that little 31 Days of Courage button over there…. the grey pixelated background you see? That’s a map of Edinburgh. I thought that was a cool thing to build my courage button over.
I don’t know about you, but this month has been really great and terribly hard. I didn’t expect this series to cause the kind of stir in the spiritual atmosphere that I’ve been experiencing. I mean, I’m sure it is a bunch of factors [including being on the front lines of a church plant in Edinburgh], but having all of you considering courage is a major thing and I think the battle for your hearts is a major battle. And a worthy battle it is.
Because if we all choose to embrace courage in our every day lives, we will change the atmosphere of the world in which we live.
And that, my friend, is no small thing.
So what now?
Now you have to be brave. Now you have to do that thing that you are scared to do. Or say that yes that makes your heart feel like it will burst out of your chest. Or say no because you know it is the right thing to do. It’s time to go or it’s time to buckle down and stay. Remember, it doesn’t have to be extreme [but it can be!]. Courage is simple and daily and yet, it changes everything.
It’s time to be a people who may hear the whispers of fear, but we don’t listen to them. Instead, we choose the braver voice in our ears.
In one year, October 31, 2012, I’m going to ask for your story of courage, the simple and profound moments that shaped you. I wonder how our lives will be different then…
And, if you would permit, I’d like to end this month praying for you.
Thank You for these friends who stop by here every day. I am beyond grateful that You have created a place where we all share our thoughts and a place where we can challenge each other. God, my heart is to see this community really embrace a courageous lifestyle. I know everyone’s story will be different, but I pray that You would speak to each heart individually and show them their path of courage. I pray that lives all around us would begin to be influenced by our moments of simple bravery. And I pray, above all else, that You would be glorified in our courage. It’s all for You. … Amen.