Each season, without fail, we just need to take a few minutes to talk about The Bachelor.
During Ali’s season, I looked like Roberto’s mom.
During Brad’s season, @BradWomack followed me on twitter.
And during Ashley’s season, we felt sorry for Ben and celebrated JP.
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If you don’t watch The Bachelor, I respect that. Just feel free to ignore this post. But I also think you should read this article about why smart girls do watch it. Because smart girls do watch it. Lots of them. As in, all of them.
[And let me go ahead and insert this –> my friends and I watch The Bachelor for ENTERTAINMENT. Not for WISDOM or ADVICE or BEHAVIOR SUGGESTIONS. Amen.]
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I had a great post planned… I’ve been thinking about it all week. The girls I wanted to discuss… mainly cute Kacie from Tennessee, to whom I want to say, “seriously, sister, move to Nashville. We will find you a beau.” She’s great and I want her to date my friends [any of them] so that she and I can be friends. Is that too much to ask? And of course, we would need to talk about the insane blogger Jenna who left early in the season but not before leaving her looney mark on the whole thing.
But then I watched this week’s episode. Now listen, I was not Ben’s biggest fan when this whole thing started. I like the guy, sure. He handled Ashley’s rejected proposal with class and maturity.
But man oh man. This week. He really messed up.
It’s not that in seasons before everyone has been classy and wholesome. It’s just that he and Courtney sneaking off and skinny-dipping in the ocean kinda changed The Bachelor game forever. You don’t do that. You play by the rules of the show. And they aren’t.
Maybe the producers cooked it all up; at the least they allowed it. Regardless, ick.
Can you IMAGINE if he is engaged to another girl from this season and she SAW that? If they weren’t broken up before, I bet they were by 11pm EST Monday night.
[Of course, I say all this fully aware that I do not know these people. I have a small number of high profile friends and when people on the internet express incorrect opinions about their lives, I tend to cringe at their assumptions. So if you are real life friends with Ben, forgive me if I’m wrong here. But he did choose to live his love life on television…. so….]
And if he is engaged to Courtney, can you imagine what he is thinking after seeing all the interviews, etc?
So. I’m talking about Ben the Bachelor today because I said I would, but I think I’m done with him and this will be the last time. He is proving things to me about how some guys think that make me feel very insecure. Courtney is showing a woman’s ability to manipulate to get what she wants, and I think that is terrible too. They seem to be displaying the worst parts of our human natures and to watch that reminds me of the worst parts of me. Again, ick.
I’m sure they are nice people and maybe I’ll be friends with them someday. Maybe they are different in private than they are on the show [I’m 100% sure that is the case] and maybe they’ve been edited terribly.
No matter what, the truth is I just don’t want to watch their lives anymore. This show is supposed to be fun entertainment and after this week’s episode, it’s just not so fun now.
This season lacks integrity. Mock me for saying it because hello it is The Bachelor. But it seems in seasons past, there have been moments of redemption, where you legitimately believe people might find love and are there in order to do so.
The only redeeming thing from this season? Sweet Kacie. Come on, girl. Let’s be friends.
And listen. Next season when Emily is The Bachelorette? Oh, I’ll be back on board like nobody’s biz-nass. Because that girl is the sweetest thing going.
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What are your thoughts? Am I totally off base here? Are you loving this season? Who do you think Ben ends up with? [And please no spoilers!]
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[And happy birthday to my baby sister Sally! You’re the coolest. Sorry you’re sharing a post with Ben and Courtney. Thanks for being nothing like the characters they are playing on TV. Love you.]