I read this article last week and thought it was so fascinating.
A Dad in Boston paid his teen daughter $200 to quit Facebook for five months.
What are the reasons behind this?
They don’t say. The article says it was the daughter’s idea.
I wonder….
was she being bullied?
were her grades suffering?
was she feeling left out or unloved?
did she just need a break from the added social pressures that the internet has brought to teenagers?
I don’t know. But I get it. About twice I week I feel like running from the internet and I promise you my Dad could call me tomorrow and make a similar offer and I would truly consider it.
But my favorite part of this whole deal? She’s gonna buy some “stuff.” Teenagers are hilarious.
. . . . .
What do you think of this? Do you see merit in it? Is this something you’d consider for the student in your life? Why or why not?