Aside from a long evening worrying about the future of our nation, Thursday was good. Melanie and I shopped around the boutiques of Nashville. [And though I didn’t buy anything, I definitely know what to look for at Target and TJ Maxx today.] We ate lunch with some FUNNY people whom I’m going to love being friends with and I had some gorgeous meatloaf. [Literally gorgeous. And yummy.] I spent some evening time coveting Sarah Palin’s pumps [please tell me you saw them!] and then was in the bed ready to snoozle by 11pm.
After that kind of day, nothing is more disheartening than waking up on Friday morning with a headache.
Boo. Hiss. Grrr.
But I will not be held back. You know me better than that. This Friday offers mucho good times and I will enjoy them all, headache be darned.
For starters, I get to spend a few hours on Friday mornings at the Mocha Club office. I decided a few weeks ago that my life in Nashville, so far, has been a bit focused on myself. And by “a bit”, I mean “COMPLETELY SELF ABSORBED“. So I found a place to volunteer. I head there in an hour or so to single-handedly change the future of Africa. Or… add some names to the database. Whatev.
Also, my sister Sally comes here tonight. Is Nashville prepared for two of us to run this town? They better get ready. In the next 8 hours. Cause Sally and I can be kinda crazy, doing things like pretending we are on a cooking show or reading. Yep, we are the definition of “wild”.
And the weather. Sweet mercy of fall. It’s awesome and chill-ish. I am currently wearing thick socks. Which makes me happy. [Have we often discussed what I’m currently wearing? It makes me feel icky. I won’t do it again. Or I will. Only time will tell.]
It’s also my sweet friend BooMama‘s birthday. So y’all head over there and give her a big blog birthday squeeze. Love you, Boo. I’m glad you were born.
I just heard a man being interviewed on television. The interviewer asked, “Do you EVER take a vacation?”
His answer- “LIFE is a vacation.”
I couldn’t agree more today. Happy Friday friends!
[Quickly, I know its been TOO LONG since I made a video. Wait for it. It’s a-comin’. And it may be funny. Here’s to hoping.]