You know, the whole way that the cover of Perfectly Unique worked out was kinda a miracle. Here’s the story if you missed it first time around.
I absolutely loved it the moment that I saw it. I mean, LOVED it.
So when the first email came through with the cover for my next book, Speak Love, I was giddy.
But as soon as I opened it, to be honest y’all, I didn’t like it at all. Like, at allllllll.
It didn’t feel like me. It didn’t look like me. It didn’t partner with the words that were going to stand between it and the back cover.
I cried in the “oh-no-this-is-bad” kind of way.
I sent emails, made phone calls, sent more emails, and there was nothing to be done. It had been decided, this was my next cover. And for weeks, I would look at it almost every day with hopes that something would change- with the design or my heart.
It never did.
So I just began praying and asking God to change my heart and give me a grateful attitude because people had worked hard to design it and the profesh people know more than me and my personal preference isn’t what matters. I told myself to get over it.
And I tried to. I really really did.
. . . . .
Four weeks later, I got an email from the important decision maker people at Zondervan that the cover was going to have to change for a bunch of marketing reasons that I don’t totally understand. But trust me- I didn’t care WHY they were changing it, I freaked out with happy. And a few days after that, I was shown the new cover and I cried again.
But this time, it was in the “oh-yes-this-is-perfection” kind of way.
I’m oversimplifying the story for the sake of your time, but trust me, just as much as the Perfectly Unique cover was a miracle, this new cover for Speak Love? Also a total miracle. Really. This cover below, the final one that just came through last week, absolutely feels like me and my writing and is way too beautiful and I love the colors and I think that purple couch is adorable.
Pretty much, I’m beyond excited about it.
So here it is – for the first time on the blog – the cover of Speak Love!
So cute, right??? Teens are gonna love it I think! I HOPE! 🙂
[I want to say this too. If the cover would have never changed, it would have been okay. From the first conversation about this book, it has been evident that Speak Love is a God thing and I just am lucky enough to be a part of it. A beautiful cover, or a less than beautiful cover, doesn’t determine into which hands God decides to place the book. He’s in control and I’m very grateful.]
Speak Love is up and CHEAP on Amazon if you want to go ahead and pre-order it before it comes out in August. We are going to do some fun pre-order prizes, so hang onto your email receipt when you get it!
Also, my newsletter peeps got to see the cover last week. If you want to sign up to get my monthly newsletters and rare fun announcement emails, CLICK HERE. Or on my face right here.
We have soooo many fun announcements coming with Speak Love in the next few weeks, so stick around.
[And tomorrow? Let’s talk about praying for this book. Okay? Okay. Because that matters to me more than you could ever know. Tomorrow. We’ll discuss it.]