I mean, not that I’m excited or anything, but SPEAK LOVE comes out in one week!
525,600 minutes…. wait. That’s not right. I got too excited.
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Next Tuesday, Speak Love will finally be available in the bookstores in your town and it will ship out from Amazon and other online retailers.
I’m about 18% nervous, 65% excited, and 17% freaking out over all of it.
Why am I these things? I wrote about it last week [and I’d love for you to read that if you haven’t yet], but let me summarize: God is doing something bigger here and I’m so honored to be a part of it. So the fact that everything will really get moving next week has me, well, nervous + excited + freaking out over all of it.
And thankful. 100% thankful.
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I just want to remind you that Zondervan is still offering this INCREDIBLE pre-order package for people who go ahead and buy Speak Love from their favorite online retailer. [Seriously, Zondervan just keeps ordering hundreds of necklaces and y’all just keep ordering books and no one is quitting which is fun.]
So if you plan on buying it for yourself or others, will you just go ahead and order it online so you get all this free swag?
Also. If you know a youth leader who wants to order 10+, lemme know. We can work out some special deal… though to be honest, I don’t know that I can beat the price on Amazon right now.
Also on Amazon is the Speak Love Revolution– the leather-bound journal with devotionals and journal pages in it. It’s ALSO only $9 on Amazon, so nab that puppy as well.
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For this last week, will you please pray with me as well?
How you can pray:
1. Please pray that above all else, God would be glorified.
2. Please pray that God would put this book into all the right hands and none of the wrong ones.
3. Please pray that God would convict and redeem the mean girls – that this mindset would no longer have a place in our society.
4. Please pray that God would open all the right doors for the book and for me as the author and CLOSE THE WRONG ONES [and if you wanna, you can pray that I’ll be cool with closed doors knowing that God is in control!].
5. Please pray that God would change each girl’s world who reads this book- that her school, her family, her relationships, and her life would be different because of what He speaks to her heart through this book.
[PS- the song in the video is Spirit Speaks by All Sons and Daughters. Just in case you fell in love with it like I do every time I hear it.]
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Phew. I’m headed to Grand Rapids to visit Zondervan today – with some goodies – to meet with all the wonderful people who have made Speak Love a reality AND for our first meetings about the next book [you know, the one that almost broke me]. I’m really excited about a week with my team, face to face! Pray for us as well, will you?
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Any questions? Thoughts? Concerns? Ideas on how to get Speak Love in the hands of every teen/college girl on the planet?