
You know those songs that just hit you the first time you hear them and you’re all HOW DID NO ONE ALREADY WRITE THIS BECAUSE IT IS PERFECT AND WONDERFUL AND EVERYONE NEEDS TO HEAR IT?!?

Right. So that’s how I feel about Wanted by Dara Maclean. [And probably Wanted by Hunter Hayes as well, but today is all about Dara so try to stay focused, people.]

Here’s the video for the song. It’s beautiful.

So Dara was on Girls of Grace last weekend in Houston and I already think she’s a pure joy as a human and friend but then when those pipes start up? Have mercy. Girl can sing. I feel very honored to share any stage with women like this who love God and people and are using their talents to make Him more known.


Right? She’s the cutest.

Here’s the exciting part. Dara’s new album Wanted released yesterday. It’s absolutely incredible- I’ve listened straight through about eight times and Intern Sarah and I can’t quit singing “you, you are wanted, you, you are wanted” randomly throughout every day.

We’re annoying ourselves to death.

On Saturday, I bought one of Dara’s CDs from her merch table [before she sold out… you can thank me later, winner] and I had her sign it for YOU. Well, one of you.

she signed it for you

And I’m giving it away today, and I’ll toss an autographed Speak Love in there too…. mainly because I have a lot of them and it will fit in the envelope and two things are better than one and etc.

It’s an amazing album from top to bottom. You will not believe how talented this gal is.

So drop a comment below and you’ll be entered to win! Intern Sarah will pick a winner Thursday morning and put this little package in the mail to you.

[PS- have you seen the other cool thing Intern Sarah is working on? Yeah, she rulez.]

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