I bet a lot of you are bloggers.
I bet more of you are on twitter and instagram.
I bet you are on the internet because hi, my name is Annie and you are reading my blog on the internet. 🙂
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A lie that a lot of bloggers believe is, “I don’t have a lot of readers, I guess I’m not important and what I have to say isn’t important. I’m not a big deal blogger, so I guess what I have to say doesn’t matter.”
I want to challenge that lie if you hear it in your head.
You don’t have enough followers to count for anything? You don’t have enough readers to make what you say matter?
I told them to the Influence gals this weekend and I’m telling you as well: add up all your followers on every social media site. Twitter. Instagram. Facebook. Blog. And look at that number. Don’t compare it to someone else’s number, just look at it.
Do you realize that you are reaching FAR more people every day online than you could ever disciple or mentor on a daily basis?
A preacher may speak to 300 people on a Sunday morning, but YOU are speaking to your crowd every day, maybe multiple times a day, and you are leading them. Your words are leading other people.
So if you add up all your social media platform numbers and you are anything above twenty, you are doing more mentoring and leading than the average small group leader.
Your words matter. Your voice matters.Â
So dear internet friends, never underestimate your voice! You are impacting more people than you probably realize!
Use your platforms, use your voice, use whatever influence God has given you online to speak love and hope into the dark places.
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Here’s a super fun way to kick off our month – tonight at 7pm CST I am doing a live one-hour chat with FaithGateway where we’ll discuss all of this – the power of our words, the mean girl, and according to that banner, I’m going to REVEAL DEEP THOUGHT.
Prepare yourself. 🙂
Also, I’m gonna answer any questions you have! They will be pulling questions/comments from twitter, so tweet at us using the hashtag #SpeakLoveNow and tag @faithgateway.
It would be super fun if you grabbed a mug of chai and curled up on the porch swing with your laptop and log on with us.
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Ok- so maybe I overuse those three words. 🙂 We have Speak Love Now e-cards and an instagram feed, but every day this month, I’m going to challenge you to do ONE THING to speak love now.
Today is easy. Just tweet something encouraging or blog a kind word, idea, or scripture.
Remember that you are leading and mentoring and discipling with your social media crowd everyday – what can you say to your audience today to encourage them?
Feel free to link in the comments to your post or tweet speaking love to your audience! I’d love to see it!