About a year ago, I got a call to be a part of this project called What’s Your Mark?. My friend Jeremy Cowart had been asked by Zondervan to photograph twenty or so people that they decided were making a significant mark on the world, whether big or small.
And they were asking me to write the book.
Well, once I scooped myself off the floor and recovered from the shock of it all, of course I said yes.
So all last spring, I got to call or sit down with these people and interview them about their mark on the world. And y’all? It broke me. In like a million different and beautiful ways.
I talked to almost thirty people – from Ellie Ambrose, a high school student who has raised tons of money for a school in Africa through creating Ellie’s Run, to Bob Goff- author of Love Does, Katie Davis- author of Kisses from Katie, Gary Haugen- founder of IJM, Dan Cathy – CEO of Chick-fil-A, my sweet friend Ann Voskamp, powerhouse attorney Shannon Davis, twitter lovely Claire Diaz-Ortiz, Roma Downey and Mark Burnett, and the list goes on and on.
I was so nervous somedays before I picked up the phone that I would lay on my living room floor and pep talk myself into bravery and then dial before I could change my mind. But in the end, this is a project I am so so deeply proud of. I loved getting to turn these interviews into moving and inspirational pieces of writing [I hope!].
Not only it is interviews of people who are making a mark, throughout the book is the book of Mark from the Bible. [say that sentence a few times fast…] We did that because we believe that there is no greater mark on the planet than the mark left by Jesus.
I think of What’s Your Mark? like a field guide, something that you can set on your coffee table or in your bookbag or in your purse to remind you to be brave and leave a mark on this world. With graduation coming up, I think this is a perfect little $10 gift for anyone that you are hoping goes out into the world and makes a massive difference.
Earlier this week, I sat down to dinner with Jeremy and some other friends, including Laura Lasky – one of the heroes of the book. I brought along a few copies of the book for Jeremy to sign and I got Laura to do it while she was there too! Oh, and I signed it too because, ya know, I wrote it.
[Laura is soooo lovely. And her story is amazing. Check her ministry out for sure.]
In honor of What’s Your Mark? recently releasing, I’m going to give this autographed copy away!
Update! Laura texted me and said Solace will also ship some CUPCAKES to the winner! WOOT!
So you get an autographed copy of What’s Your Mark? AND cupcakes!!
All you have to do is leave a comment below saying why you’d like to win. Then I’ll have my human random number generator decide a winner by Monday!