Author: Annie

It’s SheSeeks vloggy time.

I don’t know how much I’ve even told you about this. I know I told you that I wrote an article for SheSeeks. But I DON’T think I told you that I am on the She Seeks Team of writers. SSQQQEEEEEAAAALLLL!! Um. Hello. What. An. Honor. I must now bring my emotions under control and

It’s glaze, not grease.

So this weekend, my mom came to Nashville [also known as “the best idea we’ve had in a long time”]. And she came bearing a life-changing cream cheese experience. Of course, giving dairy credit where dairy credit is due, this recipe is originally from BooMama, my mentor in many things of life and all things

Just a smidge behind….

in my real life. You know, the one where I have writing deadlines, emails to answer, job(s), and laundry. So, I’ll see ya tomorrow.


Here’s another installment of YouBlog– where I introduce you to one of your fellow blogmies. Remember the goal is to get to know each other! Many of you readers/commenters were born to be friends- I just know it. And I’m out to prove it! I know, long blog title, but I had to use her


First of all, I’m so glad y’all loved hearing about RebaFail2009. You laughed AT me, mainly, but I’m okay with that. Oh, and by the way, Emily is really concerned that you hate her over the whole thing – I told her that you don’t. Now, on to things of a more serious nature. It’s


I think you know this. But I’ll remind you. I live in Nashville and seeing famous country music stars isn’t totally weird. And I’ll be honest and say that when I pass any famous person at the grocery store or wherever, I’m cool as a cucumber. Who would I not be cool around because I

My home.

This is my home: But really, so is this: This was my home: And when I sold it to move to Nashville, I thought I had lost home. In some ways, I’ll confess, it still feels that way. Mainly because that beautiful couch is in storage and I miss the warmth of that sunshine coming


Confession: I love having my picture taken. As ridiculous as this statistic is, I’m going to give it to you anyways: I am currently tagged in 512 pictures on facebook. FIVE HUNDRED AND TWELVE. That’s a lot of “say cheese.” Including this picture- I’m the second from the left in the blue dress. With eight

A little give and take.

This is gonna be easy for you today. Just two places to click. Cause see, I don’t believe in making you work hard on Fridays. So. First of all, check out HELP-PORTRAIT’s new website. It is really amazing. I mean, wowsa kind of amazing. If you are looking for a good way to give back


Here’s another installment of YouBlog– where I introduce you to one of your fellow blogmies. Remember the goal is to get to know each other! Many of you readers/commenters were born to be friends- I just know it. And I’m out to prove it! Marijke is one of my most long standing blog friends. I