Author: Annie

Annie Parsons.

Annie Parsons is a super important friend of mine in Nashville. And this week is super important for her. Here’s a quote from her blog: I moved to Nashville because I am a songwriter.  But truth be told, at the time that I moved, I could count the number of songs I had actually written


I’m broken. For the last few weeks, some small part in me has not been working right. I can’t pinpoint it. But I can tell you that I haven’t felt like myself. Because this is my blog and not my journal, I’m keeping the details of this to myself. I think I know how I


Here’s another installment of YouBlog– where I introduce you to one of your fellow blogmies. Remember the goal is to get to know each other! Many of you readers/commenters were born to be friends- I just know it. And I’m out to prove it! I’m way excited to introduce you to my friend BJ Hamrick.

A normal Nashville day.

I’m excited to participate with my buddies over at as many ladies talk today about their normal everyday life. Let me give you a short, but important, list of disclaimers: Just because I live in Nashville does not mean I hang out with country stars everyday [though Reba will not. quit. calling. Yes, Reba,

Peace Like A River.

No one paid me to say this. In fact, I wish I could tell you that I knew the author of this book, Leif Enger, and he had asked me personally to blog about his first novel. I wanna know him. Leif, if this blog post pops up on your google alerts, hi. My name

The Robe.

My dear friend Graham gave me a robe for my birthday. This isn’t your average robe. It’s from a really nice store. It’s made of angel wings and lamb sneezes. [Not really. But it is mucho soft.] It may be one of the nicer things I own in my life. Or at least I treat

An earful.

So a few weeks ago was this amazingly fun thing called “Next Big Nashville” and pretty much, for about four days, a TON of local Nashville acts strut their stuff all over the stages of Nashville. And Marisa luckily won 2 wristbands and let me borrow one a few times! Proof, you say? Fine. So


Here’s another installment of YouBlog– where I introduce you to one of your fellow blogmies. Remember the goal is to get to know each other! Many of you readers/commenters were born to be friends- I just know it. And I’m out to prove it! Something funny happened this week when I was preparing to feature

My people. They need a stroller.

And you can help them! Meet Phil and Sonnie. Cute, right? I know. I adore them. But check this out. Here is their boy Rock. Yep, you heard me. They named their son Rock. Cause folks in Nashville roll like that. [Rock. Roll. I like.] Seriously. It makes me laugh out loud Every. Time. I

I went to a shower. For a dog.

A DOG. I know. It was a magical combination between totally bizarro and totally awesome. Because it was just like a baby shower. Minus the baby. Plus a dog. A cute dog. Named Murphy. And here’s another fact: Doggy has 2 mommies- Graham and her roomie. And it was a surprise for Mommy #2 (Roomie)