Author: Annie

Seeing Is Believing: A New Prayer Plan Part 2

It’s just too good to not use again: “The Attempt Of One Christian To Actually Remember To Pray Daily For The People And Things That Are Important To Her.“ So here is mi parto dos de prayer. [I don’t know Spanish.] (Why I’m doing this is HERE, and Part 1 is HERE, just in case.)

Seeing Is Believing: A New Prayer Plan Part 1

This is “The Attempt Of One Christian To Actually Remember To Pray Daily For The People And Things That Are Important To Her.” I know the subtitle is fairly pointless in this particular placement, but when you write something that grandiose, it is just a shame not to find a way to use it. Twice.

I wanna be like Anne Couch.

I don’t know if this post is going to turn out the way it is turning out in my mind. But we’ll give it a shot. After Mrs. Couch’s funeral last week, I decided that I want to be a different person. There was a common theme in the words that people said at her

I Saw A Sign Back There.

After the funeral last week, my friends Ashley, Taylor, and I headed back towards Atlanta. And somewhere between Waycross and Marietta, we got the idea in our noggins that we wanted some dinner. At a local establishment. As in, no fast food. No Subway. Nothing we could find in Atlanta. We were craving some local

A Day To Breathe.

I need a day to breathe. So I’m taking it. The funeral for Mrs. Couch on Wednesday was beautiful. Thank you for your prayers for the family- please don’t stop. I absolutely loved getting to hug Mr. Couch, Josh and Kate, Jason and Candace, and Justin. I didn’t have good words to say. I said


Here’s another installment of YouBlog– where I introduce you to one of your fellow blogmies. Remember the goal is to get to know each other! Many of you readers/commenters were born to be friends- I just know it. And I’m out to prove it! Ok. Elora won me over. Quick. Just look at the picture!

Old numbers.

You may remember my sweet friends Jason and Candace. They got married about a year ago and it was an amazingly awesome day. I got a call Saturday afternoon. Jason’s mom had been killed in a car accident. Shock. Heartache. Loss. Sadness. All in one swirl of minutes and conversations. And suddenly my life is

Twitter Chai.

Last week, my friend Lauren left the Mocha Club to run some errands. When she mentioned a swing by The Perch, I got real happy. Cause it was raining. And fall-like outside. And I’m addicted to soy chai lattes. I thought it would be cool to mention on twitter that I was preparing my mouth

It’s not so much true anymore.

Last week, I sat and chatted with my dear friend Annie Parsons. While I ate sushi and she had a seaweed salad [ewww], we discussed some articles I had worked on that week. I said, “I can’t really believe I even wrote the article; I mean, I don’t EEEH-VER blog about being single.” [Because extending

Winner winner chicken dinner!

First of all, I’m not really offering a chicken dinner. The shipping on that would be fairly high. And the greasy mess that the mailman would have to deal with is unfair. Come rain, sleet, snow, or ….. fried chicken legs? Don’t think so. Anyways, the purpose of this post [which I have yet to