Author: Annie

I have a great cloud crowd.

Yesterday in church, we sang one of my favorite worship songs, Agnus Dei. [Which I just learned is Latin for “lamb of God”. That rules.] Here’s a great video of Third Day and Michael W. Smith singing the song, if you don’t already know it. [And I’m going to take this chance to totally point

I fasted dinner on Thursday.

Not because I’m really holy. But because of the absolutely disgusting experience I had when I got home from Mocha Club yesterday. Let me back up a bit. Wednesday, I thawed a bag of frozen chicken. FOR SIX HOURS. Whoops. So those eight chicken breasts [read: $7.99 of my precious income] got thrown away. Because


Here’s another installment of YouBlog– where I introduce you to one of your fellow blogmies. Remember the goal is to get to know each other! Many of you readers/commenters were born to be friends- I just know it. And I’m out to prove it! Here’s our friend Kaela. I’ve just started reading her blog, but

My eulogy.

I couldn’t speak at the funeral. I’m just not that strong and I don’t prefer blubbering in public. So instead, in true Annie fashion, I wrote my eulogy to my grandmother. Probably more for my own sake than for your’s, I’m posting it today. __________ Ma and Colonel didn’t know what they were signing up


My grandmother died today. We’ve known it would be soon for a few days. She’s been in a coma since Friday. In fact, she’s been sick for a few years. I’m so glad that she is seeing Jesus face to face. She has been a prayer warrior for our family and I can only imagine

Eye have a confession.

I’m blind as a bat without my contacts or glasses. So. I wear my contacts all the time. Like…. ALL. THE. TIME. It’s bad. Real bad. Sometimes I wake up in the morning, after having slept for WEEKS in the same pair of contacts, and my eyes will hardly open. They are sort of frozen


Here’s another installment of YouBlog– where I introduce you to one of your fellow blogmies. Remember the goal is to get to know each other! Many of you readers/commenters were born to be friends- I just know it. And I’m out to prove it! Becca is a fairly regular attender to this rodeo we like

Julie & Julia…. & Annie.

The movie Julie & Julia ended. The credits rolled. And I cried. Like a baby. Like a “Get yourself under control, child!” kind of cry. [I actually cried twice during the movie. But let’s not talk about it.] I cried because the movie was full of me- the food lover, the blogger, the unpublished author,

Going The Distance.

I am not typically a brave person. I’m just not. You are not going to catch me swimming with sharks or jumping out of planes. I grew up in Georgia, went to college in Georgia, and moved back to my hometown after college. I mean, I didn’t move back in with my parents, so I

Like a spaceship, only quieter. And less smoke.

It’s LAUNCH DAY over at (in)courage! I cannot WAIT for y’all to read the beautiful posts that are already up. Sheesh. I’m running with some writing big dawgs, that is for sure. So hop on over to And what I find particularly helpful is that there is a place to subscribe to their posts,