Author: Annie

Romans 5:5

I sat on my friends’ back porch last Monday night. And I cried. [What’s new. These people put up with my tears all the time.] We were talking about my writing life and where that was taking me with God. See, here’s the thing. I love the Lord. A lot. And in the last few


Here’s another installment of YouBlog– where I introduce you to one of your fellow blogmies. Remember the goal is to get to know each other! Many of you readers/commenters were born to be friends- I just know it. And I’m out to prove it! Today I want to introduce you to Victoria. Seriously. What a

It’s time you heard about (in)courage!

I am TERRIBLE at keeping secrets. Especially ones that are highly awesome. So it has about made. me. lose. it. to keep this from you. But no more…. [somewhere, drums are rolling] …… I’m so excited about being part of new project called (in)courage! You’ll be hearing more about it soon and it officially launches

Dear Nashville,

Happy anniversary. One year. What am I supposed to get you for a one year anniversary? Paper? Silver? How about just a blog post? Sounds good to me. Today I went back and watched the first video I made here and I cried all over again. It still feels. Know what I mean? There’s a

SheSpeaks: Ze Recap 09

Oh man there is such. pressure. to recap well. Let me tell you this first:  SheSpeaks is a Christian womens conference put on by Proverbs 31 for writers, speakers, bloggers, and women’s ministry workers. So that’s where I was. The other pressure is to link to all my friends and make sure that you get

I’m calling a quick family meeting.

And you’re invited. Cause we’re just one big happy up in here. A couple of items of business we need to address: 1. I don’t know if we’ve ever discussed this, but there are two little boxes to the left of the header (that’s the top pretty part of the blog that says “AnnieBlogs”) –

The end of this story of hope.

Let’s go back to July 5th.  [If you haven’t read that post, PLEASE do so. It will make the rest of this post way cooler if you know the back story.] Days before, I lost the only two jobs that were going to pay my July bills. And I gained the chance to trust God


Here’s another installment of YouBlog– where I introduce you to one of your fellow blogmies. Remember the goal is to get to know each other! Many of you readers/commenters were born to be friends- I just know it. And I’m out to prove it! First of all. Just look at Erin. Oh. My. Cuteness. Just

I am a writer.

Like, for my job. So when I spent 20+ hours of my weekend writing, and then have had meetings or projects every day this week, ye old blog has been neglected. Undeservedly. I apologize, dear blog. And blog readers. But I will say this: I LOVE BEING A WRITER OH MY GRACIOUS. A bulleted list

Oreo rescue: the update.

Remember that time I tried to make homemade oreos for a birthday party? This is what they looked like. Yikes. I know. And if it is possible, they actually TASTED worse than they looked. Shocking, but true. After I recovered from the debacle, I called Kathleen. Cause Kathleen knows how to make everything. And after