Author: Annie

Have Nots Foundation

It’s about time I came out with my own foundation. [I don’t know why that statement is true. It’s actually probably not true. But I’m keeping it.] And this foundation isn’t going to be “raising money” or “an actual foundation” or anything like that. So don’t worry. But I was taking with my friend Marie


Here’s another installment of YouBlog– where I introduce you to one of your fellow blogmies. Remember the goal is to get to know each other! Many of you readers/commenters were born to be friends- I just know it. And I’m out to prove it! Oh, you know Sarah. She’s one of my best bloggy friends.

She’s my Marie.

This is Marie Claire. And today is her birthday. So I’ve decided to do a photo montage of our lives. I mean, actually, just the last few years. Because this is what Marie (rhymes with “sorry”) looked like when I met her. [I have many many more incriminating photos, but there are in Atlanta somewhere.

Skip Hopkins

I love this dude. Not in a give-me-a-ring-cause-I-want-to-share-a-house-with-you kind of way. But in a my-life-is-better-because-he’s-in-it kind of way. Seriously. Is he not the most darlin’ friend? I know, ladies. I know. And he’s a super talented photographer. [And maybe his bio was written by a blogista that you may or may not know.] Here are

I really do love you.

Even when I don’t blog first thing Monday morning. Here’s why my blog post is delayed and not so good (anticipatory statement): 1. I’m working A LOT- tons of freelance work has come in the last few weeks (NO COINCIDENCE, y’all!) and so most of my writing time is busy. Busy. BUSY. 2. I’m getting

International Justice Day.

I love being a part of Mocha Club. But, there are some days that I’m uber-excited and lucky to work with Mocha Club. Like, way more than usual. Today is one of those days. Today is International Justice Day- where people around the world have the opportunity to look at the injustices of the world


Here’s another installment of YouBlog– where I introduce you to one of your fellow blogmies. Remember the goal is to get to know each other! Many of you readers/commenters were born to be friends- I just know it. And I’m out to prove it! I love Andrea’s blog. You may have seen it before, or

This is all you need to know today.

The Glory Revealed 2 Album is finally out. I hope you own the first one. If you don’t, today is the day you buy 2 new CDs. HERE IS THE WEBSITE. (It also should be on iTunes today- which is where this blogista will be purchasing her copy.) Go there. Buy it. You’ll be glad

More about my birthday.

I have some facts to start off with today: #1. I know you know this. But let me reiterate. I. Love. My. Birthday. Three days later, I’m still coming down off the b-day high. #2. Here’s another thing that I absolutely love: my friends being friends with my friends. I know all of us have


Here’s another installment of YouBlog- where I introduce you to one of your fellow blogmies. Remember the goal is to get to know each other! Many of you readers/commenters were born to be friends- I just know it. And I’m out to prove it! Meet Kim. Kim is a super cute friend of mine from