Author: Annie

Parfait perfection.

First of all, thanks for all your sweet birthday well wishes. 29 sure seems to be shaping up beautifully so far. On to the more important bloggy things. Like dessert. So Annie Parsons introduced me to Deb Barnett. And Deb Barnett introduced me to what shall be called “The Dessert That Defined My Summer 2009”.

29 things.

I think, since I’m officially turning 29 right now- as in, right this very day, I should tell you 29 things about myself that you may or may not already know. 1. I love orange juice with lots of pulp. LOTS. 2. I’ve been nominated multiple times for What Not To Wear. But never picked.

A story of trust… I hope.

The Thursday before I left for camp, a writing job that would have been SUPER financially helpful fell through. I went to Frothy Monkey, sat with my buddy Skip and cried, then went home and sulked. I reminded God and myself that when I moved to Nashville, I never agreed to be living paycheck to


So. I’m super dee-dooper excited about this new segment of AnnieBlogs. Here’s the motivation for what is about to transpire: 1. You know me. You come here and read about my crazy life. You come to Nashville and we grab lunch. 2. I know a lot of you guys- you leave comments, we email back

I think I forgot to tell you.

I’m at camp this week. You can read the blog here. You can watch the services (and other camp events) online here. I’m one of the MCs for the morning games so A) forgive me for not wearing make-up, B) I swear I didn’t make up these games, but C) I think they are hilarious.

Annie in your inbox.

Not literally. [That would be weird and scientifically impossible. But mainly weird.] But by the magic of modern technology, I can do it. Sorta. As you know, I blog five or so times a week. I tweet five or so times a day. And yet somehow I still have more to say. And more music

I wore a belt so I didn’t drowned.

I went to water aerobics this morning. And I loved it. I had been warned by friends [mainly Skip] that it would be me and a bunch of grannies. I said FALSE. [Cause I’m always right.] I knew my friend Molly was going with me, so I was more inclined to believe that it would

A beautiful process.

It seems to be what God keeps saying to me. “Hang in there, sister. This is part of a beautiful process.” At this moment, writing this post, I don’t hate process. Usually, I tend to hate process. Because I have a strong distaste for change, for the unknown, and for hard work. [You’re welcome for

Operation Green Thumb.

First, because I know you’ve been uber-concerned all weekend, I ended up taking Oreo cupcakes to the party. MUCH easier and MUCH tastier. Some of the recipes in the comments look delicious, so I will be trying them. And don’t you worry, I’m trying those homemade Oreos again. Annie ain’t no quitta. I will make

In what shall be called “The Oreo Fail of 2009”.

I was in such a good mood when I found the recipe for homemade Oreos. A friend of mine is having a birthday party tonight, so I set aside Thursday to bake the night away for the party. Because if there is one thing I don’t [usually] screw up, it’s birthday baked goods. [Now refer