Author: Annie

Edamame and Deadliest Catch.

These are the things I’m partaking of right now. At 12:50am. After a seven hour shift at the taco restaurant. Which, I don’t really have the time or energy to express all the emotions that are surrounding the taco situation right now, but trust me that they are there. I’m a whiner. And I don’t

See? It will be like that.

Notice that I didn’t blog yesterday? AND I’M OKAY WITH THAT. And see those 119 blog posts that are waiting in my google reader? I IGNORED THEM last night because I wanted to watch the American Idol finale. Dear 119 bloggers, it’s not you. It’s me. In fact, I love you enough to not skim

In a tizzy.

Is “tizzy” a word used around the country? Or is this a southern word? Like were I, per say, to write an entire post about how right now, at 11:21pm [just being honest, I’m writing this Monday night], I am in a FULL ON TIZZY, does that make sense to people outside of the Bible

And we’re baaaack.

That’s a line from possibly my favorite Jimmy Fallon skit on SNL when he is a radio host. Do you remember it? Well, I tried for 26 minutes to find a clip to show you, and when I finally did, YIKES>A>RAMA. Not family friendly. [But a funny phrase none the less.] So hi. 🙂 Welcome

Until we meet again…..

I don’t know how to write this post. Mainly because I don’t want to write it. And I really want to write it. I love blogging. I love this community of friends we have here. I love your comments. I love your emails. I love your blogs. I just love it all. And when I

Atta boy, Wertz.

Here is Matt’s new video. Yay!! Good news: I was there for the whole filming and it was a blast and all my friends are in it. It’s like playing Where’s Waldo with a bunch of people that you actually don’t know. [So, I guess that’s not so fun for you.] But it was a

Clicky McClickerson.

That’s you. I just have a few world wide web stops I don’t want you to miss. Yesterday, I was the interviewee [glad you liked it, by the way]. Today, I interview. Over at Bloggable Music Network, you can see an interview I got to do with Joy Williams. I heart her mucho. Joy Williams

Denise Hildreth made me do it.

So for years I have read and LOVED the work of Denise Hildreth. And in November, when we were sitting in the same room and she introduced herself to the class, I wanted to stand up and scream, “I LOVE THE WAY YOU WRITE!!” but that would have been embarrassing. [And complimentary, I guess, to

We interrupt our reguarly scheduled blogging to discuss green beans.

Because I really had no idea that fried green beans were uncommon. I was talking with Sophie yesterday and came to realize that if she, queen of all things Southern battered and fried, did not know about said bean delicacy, that maybe it was time that all my people got them some education. In the

Ye old internet overwhelmeth me today.

I have 9,356 things flying through my mind. And there are so many things on the internet that need my attention. [That sounds yucky, but I mean things like facebook inbox, gmail inbox, google reader, etc.] I feel like I’m a bit woven and spun into the world wide web. So maybe this is a