Author: Annie

A first class sacrifice.

When I got on the plane from Atlanta to Nashville, I didn’t notice anyone else. I am what some would label “self-absorbed” in situations like that where I don’t know anyone and have a destination. As I sat and got comfy, I began to listen to the sounds and conversations around me. [Because I tend

Dear bloggers, don’t be creepy like this.

So something really interesting has happened at some blogs that I frequent. A blogger by the name “Miss Musing” has pretty much been STEALING other people’s posts and posting them as her own. Here you can read about Velveteen Mind’s experience, and CJane talked about it, and so did Azucar who seems tough as nails

Sweet Tea.

[For you feed reader peeps, you’re gonna wanna click on over for a delightful little homemade video.] Here’s the recipe for this sweet tea, directly from my Mama. Use 6 family size Tetley tea bags for one gallon of tea and steep for 5 minutes.  Pour into container with sugar.  I only put about 1

We need to discuss television.

Because you may have a shocking amount of free time to fill and you are just sitting there wondering, “Will anyone tell me something good to watch on TV so I can waste hours of my life on something that has no eternal value?”” Why yes. Yes I will. And you are welcome. Some friends

The Noticer Project

Last week at Mt. Hermon, I heard about Andy Andrews‘ new book and this cool new idea- The Noticer Project. It seems that the majority of us, myself included, wait until important events occur to recognize the people who have been the most influential in our lives. Things like weddings, funerals, or graduations. So, thanks

I think this is funny for a lot of reasons.

Some of my friends have started a new company in Nashville. And because I’m a) friends with them b) on twitter and c) a sucker for sweet compliments, I agreed to help them out by posing for a picture and getting a free shirt. I’m a giver. What can I say. Here’s the thing. This

I have a dream.

And before you continue this post, you have to make the conscious choice not to judge me when you read this. Make the choice.  “I won’t judge Annie right now.” Thank you. There is such freedom in that. I have a dream job that I really want. It’s not common- in fact, I don’t know

At this point, it’s just a list.

The next step for my book is to make a list. Not a grocery list, though I do like making those. [I am currently addicted to THESE veggie chik’n nuggets] But a bloggy list. So I’m wondering, if you have a blog, would you be willing to be on the list? All the list is

After it’s all said and done.

Literally. I’m back at Sarah‘s house where I’ll be staying for the next few weeks.  Hanging in the OC for a bit? Don’t mind if I do. Mt. Hermon. I don’t know what to say. It was absolutely wonderful. I’m a better person for going- professionally and personally. I have some really sweet friends, old