Author: Annie

Reposting ain’t all bad.

I can’t stop thinking about this post. I wrote it in August, but it keeps resonating through my head.  Maybe being a writers’ conference reminds me of why I love you, sweet blog reader. People will ask about my blog and they want to know this or that and I just want to tell them

Mt. Hermon Day 2.

I have a confession- I am currently skipping a session that would probably make me a STELLAR writer. Hope y’all will settle for mediocre. Cause I just need. a. break. from. writing. So I came to the coffee shop to blog.  Cause you know, blogging is significantly different than writing. And after editing a piece

Mount Hermon 09 Official Post 1.

That is a pompous title. And I like it. I can’t stop listening to The Alternate Routes singing “California”.  It just feels so right, how could it be wrong? It’s nice to be here at Mount Hermon.  It’s nice to feel a bit more comfortable since I’ve done this before. It’s nice to say, “I’ve

Mt. Hermon- pray it up, folks.

Let me begin by saying that Pacific Standard Time Zone and I are not exactly “getting along” right now.  I mean, seriously, it’s only 2 hours difference. But the ole bod here is STRUGGLING. I’m going to give you a quick rundown of this conference- I am an author. I wrote a book. I have

Orange is my favorite flavor.

And I’m in Orange, California. So that’s neat. It’s been super fun so far- I’m at Sarah’s house, hanging with her and her family until we both head to the Writer’s Conference tomorrow. [And believe you me, you’ll get the prayer laundry list tomorrow. Cause it’s a list. For realz.] Yesterday, I flew through Atlanta

Weird storms.

The weather in Nashville is weird today- not exactly cold, but cool. Sporadically severely windy. And ugly, gloomy clouds are passing through the sky with no breaks of sunshine. I’m kinda grateful for the weather because I too feel weird today. Do you know this feeling? I’m scared. I’m concerned. I’m nervous. I’m worried. I’m

I’m here.

And by “here”, I mean Nashville. And blogland. I’m just way busy because, and I’m not sure I’ve mentioned this, I’m going to be in California for the next 3 weeks. I’ll give you more story later. But just wanted to check in and say that I’ll write more later. Life changing post. That’s what


Seriously. That is the time right this very minute. Sick, right?  I know.  I totally agree.  I had to stay up late finishing some work and then the next thing you know, I’m buzzing through my inbox trying to get as close to zero as possible and thinking, “I should really blog now”.  Which let

Tuesday’s wish.

If I peek over my computer, I can see an envelope on the kitchen counter. It’s a very VERY exciting envelope. Once I sign the papers in that envelope and mail them back from whence they came, things kinda change forever career wise for me. It’s awesome. Amazing. Shocking. Fantastic. And I’m really sad. Because

The time I decided to build something.

So I had in my mind a vision to add some cool lighting to our back porch. I could see it in my head- I would buy some tall wood from Home Depot, attach it to the deck, then string lights.  Easy enough. Sounded like a fun Sunday afternoon… until I told the plan to