Author: Annie

A real fixer-upper.

This is maybe one of the top 5 things that happened in my world this week. For sure and for certain one of the funniest. And as this story was unfolding, I couldn’t help but think, “I can’t wait to blog about this.” Wednesday, I took my friend Jason to pick up his car from

Some things about some things.

I stole that line from Sophie. She’s profound. #1-> When I woke up Wednesday morning, there was a splinter in the palm of my hand. I have no idea where it came from. Did I do a handstand on the wooden porch in the middle of the night? Maybe. Whatever I did, it pains me

March 12, 2006.

You know what’s funny about me being me? Sometimes I start writing blog posts for a specific day [March 12] and then totally forget to finish them on the right day and instead they get written and posted on bizarrely unrelated days [March 18].  Some might call it “idiotic”, I prefer “charmingly scatterbrained”. Tomatoes, TomAHtoes. 

Deciphering Me.

Enjoy this today.  It connects with the post from yesterday which, by the way, I LUH-HUVED your comments.  Especially from you married gals- yeah, the whole idea that guarding your heart transcends dudes and includes friendships and work relationships and all of it. Wise, that’s what you people are. Oh Brooke Fraser, I couldn’t talk


I’m a big fan of Proverbs 4:23. “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” Throughout my life, when I tried to put feet to guarding my heart, it has always had the same direction. To guard my heart meant: #1-> Don’t practice signing Christmas cards from myself and my

I’ve always been a fan of winners.

I’m super excited to announce that we have a winner for the free copy of Holley Gerth’s new book Rain on Me. And the winner is….. #17:  MrsNaz@BecomingMe Congrats, Mrs. Naz!  I’ll be emailing you in about 2 minutes to get your address. And for the rest of you almost-winners, the book is already 15%

Smile Wednesday #7: iPhone edition

It’s been far too long since we had a Smile Wednesday up in here. [Like, since October, which is just ridiculous. I apologize. Sincerely.] And all these photos were taken using Anita, my new best friend iPhone. She’s such a champ.  I can remember life without her, but I don’t prefer it. Here’s a fun

Give and take.

That’s how we roll around here. Here’s one of the reasons you are going to love my profession [and by “profession”, I mean “my attempt at being a for real author”].  Because real authors have real author friends. As is the case today.  I met Holley Gerth a few weeks ago and I knew in

This makes my Monday.

“All around us we observe a pregnant creation. The difficult times of pain throughout the world are simply birth pangs. But it’s not only around us; it’s within us. The Spirit of God is arousing us within. We’re also feeling the birth pangs. These sterile and barren bodies of ours are yearning for full deliverance.