Author: Annie

I heart the weekend recap. Part 1.

All I’m saying is that I had NO IDEA that you people would feel so strongly about bathroom tile.  Up next, the laundry room!! 🙂  But for realz.  Thanks for all the sweet comments.  God is so good to us, isn’t He? Speaking of that, I had a mini-dream come true this weekend.  This is

It’s the little things, people.

In January of 2007 I saw a beautiful shower curtain and shower curtain hooks at Target. I remember clearly that they were on the end of the aisle, deeply on sale. I’m talking a red sticker with another red sticker on top. If I remember correctly [and let’s be honest, when it comes to sales,

Positive Post Tuesday

Welcome to Positive Post Tuesday. This is a regular thing over at Brody’s blog, but he’s a giver, so he’s passing it around.  [And apparently that makes me a taker.  Whoopsie daisy.] Speaking of givers, I’ve got one to talk about today.  My friend Kathleen.  You know her- she helped me make a quilt. Let

Blissdom 09: The Recap.

Being that this is Blissdom 09 and everything, I think I’ll give you my top 09 highlights of the conference.  [Be ye very concerned when Blissdom ’47 rolls around, cause you best be believin I’ll do 47 highlights.] These highlights are going to be in no particular order, so #1 doesn’t need to be getting

$5650 bill.

Seriously. I dreamed it last night.  That I sold some sort of forest that blocked my home from the ocean and they paid me in $5650 bills.  Lots of them. Weird, because: #1. I don’t own a home. #2. I don’t live by the ocean. #3. There are no such thing as $5650 bills. Yet.

When Twitter changed my complexion.

Sophie and Melanie talked me into signing up for twitter last June. I didn’t love it; in fact, it kinda annoyed me.  But I’m of the persuasion that if Sophie or Melanie tell me to do something, I usually do it.  Except this dare they gave me one time.  Let’s just say I don’t believe

He doesn’t pay me to say this.

But I told him he should. Please tell me you watched Dave Barnes’ video on his website today?  Because it is all manner of hilarious. AND. His new EP came out today and y’all.  There is a new version of Until You that almost makes me cry.  It’s that good.  [Probably has something to do

Reason #438

that I don’t get in the ocean. Spinner sharks?  Yeah… about that… they won’t be in heaven.  Cause sharks are friends with the devil.

Another sister.

Another birthday.  You may remember the little video I made for Tatum on her 27th birthday in October. Well, little Sally is turning 21.  And because I think that embarrassment is the highest form of compliment, let me present this photograph of us from 1991, I’m guessing.  Yes, that makes me 11. And trendy to