Author: Annie

Moving day update.

There will be no pictures. There will be no video. Because packing and moving has magically sucked out all my humor, good times, and maybe a small percent of my soul. I’m SUPER pumped about the new house, the year long lease in Nashville, and all things 2009.  Just moving.  Ugh.  It’s a killer. So

Every Christian writer….

absolutely must have this. It’s Sally Stuart’s Christian Writers’ Market Guide for 2009. Talk about a hard workin’ lady- “for 24 years running, the Christian Writers’ Market Guide has remained the most comprehensive, complete, essential, and highly-recommended resource for beginning and veteran Christian writers, agents, editors, publishers, publicists, and those teaching writing classes.” It includes-

Drumroll please….

Here it is!  Yay! A few comments about this picture- yes, my face is really red, mainly because of how Mac camera lighting works.  And, well, because I have on a turtle neck and Frothy is FULL OF PEOPLE so it’s a little toasty.  Secondly, I know it’s time to paint my nails again.  Sheesh.

Coffee shops.

By the way, I should have NEVER said “I promise” at the end of that last post. That was dishonest and I apologize. You know I spent time in Waco, TX this weekend and, this won’t shock you, I spent a large chunk of my money time at a local coffee shop called Common Grounds. 

This is how you finish a book.

So you may remember I was attempting to write 30,000 words in 30 days. And you may recall that about a week ago I was struggling with Chapter 7. After a long week of staring at the computer screen, and a great weekend in Waco, I came back and settled down at Frothy Monkey yesterday,


I need a break. A break from writing.  Even though this last chapter is going to slay me. A break from my computer.  Even though I love me some twitter and facebook and email and blogs. A break from my finances.  Even though I’m not sure how to pay the bills. A break from my

You’re going to have to excuse me.

While I’m in a fight with this last chapter. I just can’t write it. But I have to write it. So we’re in a fight. My stomach, while not completely healed, is on the mend- just in time for Chp. 7 to pick a fight with me. [I talked to my doctor yesterday and we’re

A tribute to my roommate.

Poor Jamie. You should all feel really sorry for her.  I mean, not because there is something wrong with her, per say.  Except her living situation. Namely having to live with me. Because in the last month or so, while I’ve been staying up super late, writing for hours a day, and thinking about my

I’m in a fight.

First of all, wow.  I got me some wise readers out there.  If you haven’t caught up on the comments from the last post, you should.  Cause your fellow bloggites are GOOD. Now let me tell you about the fight I am in. With my digestive system. [And let me reassure you that I am


Yesterday I sat at Fido with a friend and we discussed hearing the voice of God. [For you Nash-people, I am fully aware that I am nowhere near cool enough to frequent Fido. But my friend is definitely cool enough to be there, so they didn’t ask me to leave.] We talked about how challenging