Author: Annie

A year ago today.

One of my favorite parts of living in Nashville is the musicians that become friends. I have always had a deep love for all things singer/songwriter, and now these are my people.  I heart it.  Mucho.  And a few weeks ago, a friend of mine gave me a demo of a song he had written. 


I started a little tradition last year by giving you a photo from each month to summarize the year.  Today you get pictures, tomorrow you get words.  And if you didn’t know me in 07, you can catch up real fast RIGHT HERE. January- visited Nashville for the first time.  Knew in my heart that

It’s draining all my good jokes.

This 1,000 words a day, that is. If you’re new around here, since, oh, I don’t know, last Monday, then maybe you don’t know why I’m writing 1,000 words a day.  So just go here and catch yourself up. And so far things are going swimmingly in the words department.  I CANNOT tell you how

Generational budness.

First of all, many of you are curious as to the reasons behind turning your router off at night/whether it should be in your bedroom.  Because I just do as I’m told by doctors, I didn’t really ask him any questions.  But I’m doing some research, so as soon as I know, you’ll know. On

Homeopathic hilarity.

So I go to a homeopathic doctor.  Don’t judge me.  Cause I totally love it and you would too.  I’ve been going for about a year and since I started, my migraines have decreased by 95% and I no longer drink caffeine. AND I’M STILL A NICE PERSON.  Which is saying a lot.  And the


I’m setting a goal. But I need your help. I’ve been working on a book for a while, and a literary agent in California wants it as soon as it is done. [That is exciting.] The book is supposed to be around 50,000 words. [That is a lot.] I have 20,000 words written, edited, and

Behold the Lamb of God

Thank you for your sweet comments yesterday.You are good to me. Thanks for speaking truth that I couldn’t find on my own. There are some shows in Nashville that I have been hearing about since I moved up.  Some shows are epic, year after year, or whenever the particular band comes to town, and you

Justin may have been right.

My friend Justin is from New York.  I am from Georgia.  And Justin says that a major difference between Northern and Southern parents is this- Southern parents make their daughters feel like they can do ANYTHING.  Never mind your skill set or ability, “baby, if you wanna do it, then darlin’ you can do it”.

Depending on Annie

I’m going to direct you to Annie Parsons‘ blog post for today, because I think she explained our Wednesday night MUCH better than I can. I’ll just say ALL THE SINGLE LADIES got together last night and had what some would call an eventful evening. And let me just stop here and give big props