Author: Annie

I’m eating the broken pieces right now.

Mmmm…… chocolate covered pretzels.  And oh so fancy looking.  [The bizarro tint to this photo is because I took the picture while they were in the fridge.  Why I didn’t just take them out for a moment is a question for the ages.] This is my favorite Christmas treat to make. Well, that being said,

Christmas Tour of Homes 08

And in Annie world, “Christmas Tour of Homes” translates to “WOW.  Look at what Roomie has been doing while Annie watched episodes of Arrested Development on” Because nothing fills me with Christmas spirit like television on the internet and Buster Bluth.  Agreed? Who’s with me? [crickets…..] And okay. On to the decorations. On the

Captain Avoidance

Have you ever found yourself avoiding? Things? People? Responsibilities? God? Yeah, me too. I have a pile of clean laundry that has been sitting in my laundry basket since last Friday.  [That will not be the sentence that gets me a marriage proposal anytime soon.] I haven’t been to the grocery store in a week

A sad, sad, letter.

*We interrupt this regularly scheduled police blog talk (but keep the awesome stories coming!) to deal with a fashion heartbreak.* Dear, Last week, I was looking all over your website for a beautiful dress.  See,, I’m going to a semi-formal Christmas party on Saturday night.  I’m really excited about it.  Because I know

The blue light special.

I told you a few weeks ago about our little Study Buddy group. My friends Derek and Justin are both in seminary at Vanderbilt so they have to write these SERIOUSLY long and intense papers. [The brains at the table are unstoppable. I bring down the IQ significantly. But I bring the beauty factor up

To be loved.

**Before we get into the post, let me give a shout out to the Genius at the Apple Store who lovingly took my computer out of my line of vision and beat it into submission. And now her bumps are gone and she works like a charm. Albeit a two year old charm that needs

This hurts my soul.

So I don’t know if I told you, but our heat went out about 2 weeks ago, the Sunday before Thanksgiving. And I don’t know if you have heard, but it is SERIOUSLY COLD in Nashville. As in, I can’t form complete sentences when I’m outside. I just shiver and say things like “ffrrozzen” and

He’s always been faithful.

In recent times I have not put lyrics in my posts. [I don’t know an exact date so I have no clue whether to say “weeks” or “months” here, so I take the less risky road and say “times”. I’m guessing you don’t care, but alas. It’s already said.] But EVERY.TIME. this song comes on

Bluebird Cafe.

My first year of teaching was 2003-2004.  Those kids, fifth graders at the time, are now half way through their sophomore year of high school. [Trust me, I know.  I’m friends with most of them on facebook.] That year, my friend James recorded an EP, I think.  Or a demo.  Or a CD.  Or an