Author: Annie

Dolly Parton got a package from UPS.

I saw it.  Seriously, between my house and here (Frothy Monkey), I saw Dolly’s compound receive a package from UPS.  OBVIOUSLY I waited around to see who answered to door- it seemed to be a serf.  Sadly.  Because tell me that wouldn’t be a dream come true to see Dolly sign for her own parcel.

Some would call me Barbara Walters.

Based on my hard-hitting journalistic style. JJ Heller Interview Part 2 Enjoy. And yes, at some point today I will actually write a blog post.  This I promise you.

Is this kinda like working in the “biz”?

Here’s my first excursion into other blogdoms.  [Don’t worry,, you are still my first blog love.] But this is of the musical variety. An Interview with JJ Heller If you are a blogger, you should totally be joining the Bloggable Music Network.  All the cool kids are doing it.


Last night, Meredith and I helped Marisa put up her Christmas tree.  After a series of unfortunate events [which had there been a camera would be a blog post in itself], we finally had the tree in place, the star on top, and it was time to string the lights. As we would finish a

I need Africa. Do you?

Y’all. I’m really pumped about today. REALLY. QUITE. PUMPED. Because if you’ll recall, last week I told you why I need Africa. And all these people told you, too. And today, I want you to read what my friend Barrett, el capitan de Mocha Club, wrote about why he needs Africa. Yeah, he lives there.

This isn’t really a “post”, per say.

It’s more of a CELEBRATION!! Because at 11:28pm CST, I finished the editing job that I have been working on for 2 months! I emailed that puppy out and then interrupted my late night study buddies [props to Justin and Derek!], forced them to give me high fives, and then ran downstairs and bought us

If you are a dude, this blog post will repel you.

Because I am about to write an entire post about a dress. Which is not very much like me. But sometimes, I find a dress or another piece of clothing that I totally ADORE and I can hardly contain myself. As is the case tonight. Some other lady friends and I went for an impromptu

10 years ago.

I was 18.  I had come home for my first holiday from the University of Georgia and honestly, was itching to get back to Athens.  You remember that feeling?  Like home is cool and all, but life is continuing without you somewhere else. I think all college kids feel that way. I remember the only

Bring your ears today.

For starters, a video. One day late. I know.  I am one of a kind and the world is GRATEFUL, I tell ya. And you are all going to laugh when somebody marries this piece of work. I pity the fool. Anyways. 🙂 HEAR THIS! Joy Williams has given y’all ANOTHER FREE SONG at the