Author: Annie

I Need Africa.

We’ve been over this before, but Nashville?  It’s been a good decision.  Not painless, not without loss, but good. And probably one of the highlights has been the folks at Mocha Club letting me volunteer.  I had heard of Mocha Club at Barnes and Wertz shows before, so I kinda knew what was up.  But


I am a penny pincher.  I am a saver. I’m using the same furniture in my bedroom that I purchased in 1998.  I wear clothes from high school because, really, who cares if it says 1996?  [All of Nashville, most likely. Trendy-ville that it is.]  In fact, I would probably carry the same purse everyday

You had me at Google.

I know some other bloggers have done this before, but I don’t think I have.  Maybe I have.  I don’t totally remember.  We just passed 500 posts here people, and 2 years worth of my brain puke, so it’s hard to recall. Anyways….. this weekend, Sophie gave me some tips on finding blog stuff…. blah

Just some bits of internet gold.

If you haven’t yet, all you crazy bloggers should join the Mocha Club campaign that is starting soon- a teaser- it’s called I Need Africa.  If you still want play along, just let me know. I have some internet things to share. [Apparently I feel very “to the point” right now.  Hmm.  Rare.] First of

That is what I call a WEEK-END.

If I could think of a stronger exclamation than BOOYAH, I would use it to describe my weekend. But obviously.  There is no stronger language to be used. Let me give you the highlights, in bullet points and randomly inserted photographs. -Friday I drove to Birmingham, just a quick jaunt.  So please don’t be sad

Calling all BLOGGERS!

Ok, y’all. This is gonna be so fun. I’ve told you this before, but I volunteer with an amazing non-profit called MOCHA CLUB. Mocha Club is launching a new campaign next week.  I can’t put a lot of details out there yet, BUT!  The coolest part is- Barrett, the director of MC, wants BLOGGERS to

Thanks to Cankle.

You Cankled-Out yet?  Last one.  I promise. Last Wednesday afternoon, after I got home from the ER, I tried to find an orthopedic doctor in town.  I called my church to see if the secretary knew of any doctors in our congregation.  No luck.  So I put it on facebook and twitter- “somebody help me

Tuscan Vegetable Soup

Apparently I have an addiction.  To vegetable soups. And it never fails that whenever I make soup, I say, “Oh man where is my camera because my bloggites are going to love this recipe.” That’s sick, people.  Sick. This recipe is from my friend and fellow blogger Kristin.  Big ups, Kristin.  This is some seriously

When Preggos use the drive thru.

I was talking to a pregnant friend of mine on the phone yesterday.  Let’s call her.. uh… Shmolly. And as we talked, Shmolly said, “Hang on, let me place this order.” I said, “Ok.” because it is not uncommon for one of us to need to put the other on hold in order to take

What the Cankle has to say.

It was a fun weekend- full of out of town friends and Mexican food and crutches and hobbling. [Is “hobbling” a word?  As in, “to hobble”?  I think so, but not certain.  If it is, consider me wise.  If it isn’t, consider me witty.] I have never had an injury like this- that really retards