Author: Annie

Poor Cankle ’08.

Well, I just got home from the doctor. And my poor cankle has three torn ligaments- a Stage 3 sprain- “A grade 3 injury is complete ligament rupture with marked swelling, hemorrhage, and tenderness. There is loss of function and marked abnormal joint motion and instability. Most commonly, this represents a complete disruption of both

Cankle ’08

The drugs?  I do not prefer them.  They make me feel like I’m on a roller coaster ride, and not the exhilarating kind.  The puke-your-brains-out kind. I’m bizarrely running a fever and have been fighting a migraine all day.  So to say “Hey this is great, Annie can get a lot of work done” is

I took clumsy to a whole new level.

You thought I was clumsy before? I mean wow. Let me recap my Wednesday for you. Not because I’m completely self-absorbed, but because I am in so much pain that I can not think of anything except myself. Wait…. aren’t those…. uh…. nevermind. So yesterday I’m packing to head to Kentucky, because I had a

How deep the Father’s love for us.

I took a break from writing yesterday to grab some lunch. I try, usually, to eat lunch at home, but due to some circumstances that I couldn’t control, working ten or so hours has become the order of the day for the next few days. So I went up to the counter, ordered a curry

An email exchange.

Only because I am shameless, and sharing the joke always ranks higher to me than maintaining my pride, do I share this email.  I used Halloween shaped clip art to conveniently cover the information that is not important. Welcome to the reason I don’t dress up for Halloween.  Dumb ladybug wings. And it wasn’t just

It’s not you. It’s me.

I just have too much to do today to blog anything worth your time, so I will make a quick list- — I had a meeting this morning with the youth dude at Midtown. Remember- I blogged about it HERE and then the dramatic conclusion is HERE.  [And I say “dramatic”, because really, its just

It’s a big Saturday.

Yes, I know I’ve posted this video before, but once a year, it deserves to be rebroadcast.  And today is that day. Yes, Gator fans do wear jean shorts. GO DAWGS!! SIC ‘EM!!

Hi. My name is Clumsy.

I have had one of those weeks.  Where I get hurt.  A lot. #1- FACE INJURY.  So my bedroom door that leads to the bathroom opens into my room.  It swings towards the wall.  My hair dryer fell off my desk and landed on the floor, in the exact location that it would block the

A few points of biz-nass.

1) My parents are in town until Sunday, so my usual “I’m at my computer all day and responding to comments is way awesomer than actually working” plan will not be in motion.  So forgive my slow responses this weekend.  Because I’m hanging with my peeps. 2) My friend Lysa came in town last week