Author: Annie

BooMama is the boss of me.

I do love soup.  And I do love a crock pot.  And I do love Sophie.  Put those together and what have you got?  A LOT OF LETTERS ON A BUTTON! Here at AnnieBlogs, you’re getting 2 soups for the price of one- I put that PITCHER O SOUP recipe up here a few weeks

Who’s watching my purse?

Oh yes.  Annie and Annie are back.  And WalMart will never fully recover from our antics. And please.  Do not judge my hairdo. Handy Graham is our friend who is also officially the best Handy Man in Nashville.  Literally. Voted on and victorious.  The very best in 08. I was seriously thrilled when Annie found

Free music. Booyah.

Joy Williams, whom I love mucho, is releasing a new 4-song EP soon, but for now you can download one of the songs for free.  Oh yeah, you heard me.  FREE.  Meaning NO MONEY IS NECESSARY TO OWN THIS AND YES YOU ARE WELCOME. CLICK HERE to get the free song “Lose Myself”.  Let’s just

For my dear bfry Haley.

There was this one time that I had to answer this question- Other than your parents, who has been the most influential person in your life and why? My answer was this- One of my best friends, Haley.  She is like an older sister to me- gives me great advice, laughs at my jokes :),

I’m kinda mad at Brad.

Not real mad.  Just that frustrating mad. Yesterday at church the pastor talked about being risk-takers or risk-managers. I AM A MANAGER. I might possibly be the president of the Risk Management Society, though we would never actually meet because all traveling to the same place at the same time might be, well, risky. I

Here’s my Sunday afternoon.

Yeah for the Canadian Pastor publishing his book Finding Home!!  I’m reading it today and I’ll let you know my thoughts this week.  Who knows?  You may need a copy of your own. Also, my friend Aaron is talking about Christmas over here.  If you’re ready for that sort of thing [and I am], check

This is my weekend.

Hanging with my hometown bfry Katie B.  Working at the Frothy Monkey.  Her on wedding hoopla like registry and gowns.  Me on a manuscript.  Drinking Chai Cider.  Being normal.  It’s glorious. But….. here’s a better representation of what we’ll be doing all weekend.  Some would say we are “actin’ a fool”.  And to them I

Andrew Peterson.

Andrew Peterson and his wife hold a special place in my heart, whether they know it or not. See, a few weeks ago, I told them a major secret.  Standing in line at the Third Day show, I told them the deepest secret I was currently housing.  After discussing his AMAZING book and my slowly

Dumpster Diver.

There was a big bag of trash on our back porch.  Don’t really worry about the details…. it has something to do with “running late” and “Annie is lazy”, but whatev. And I went out last night to see that the bag of trash had been turned over.  And it sounded like someone was jogging

A birthday gift.

Dear Middle Sister, In lieu of actually getting you a present and shipping it to Hawaii, I asked Nashville to wish you a happy birthday.  And they did.  Which is worth far more than an actual present.  Sorta. By the way, I figure now is a good a time as any to mention that I