Author: Annie

Real quick.

I LOVE your comments, and I LOVE responding to them, and I will, but I have 70 pages of a manuscript I’m editing due tomorrow, so all emailing has ceased until that is done. Sorry, but I gotta pay the rent.  And the internet bill. UPDATE!!!  THIS ANNIE is having an awesome day- go check

SHUT UP Brownies

Of course, you don’t HAVE to call them that.  In some places, such as my classroom, “Shut up” is considered a bad word and unusable.  But.  Seriously.  When I pulled these puppies out of the oven, it was the first thing that came out of my mouth.  After a quick application of a bit of

A little update.

I did a wee bit of an update over at my ABOUT page. My friend Robin said, “Why exactly are you in Nashville?  I mean, I looked all over your blog and I couldn’t find it.” And people are forever emailing and asking what in the world I do with my time and what I’m

It’s beautiful.

I have my friend Drew Worsham to thank for last night. [That sounds WAY more scandalous than it is… keep reading… I’m embarrassed…..] Because I got to see probably my favorite singer/songwriter in concert last night- Phil Wickham.  [Now, Dave and Matt have no reason to get all up in arms, I still love their

I don’t believe in stealing.

See, here’s the thing.  Yesterday was not fun.  In fact, at one point, I said to my friend Hollie, “Today is officially crap-tastic”. Nothing particularly bad happened, and I wasn’t even sad about Nashville.  It was just a genuinely blah day.  I woke up late, on accident, had a billion unimportants to do, and I

Scared. Part 2.

So on Friday I was talking on the phone with a friend, only a few years younger than myself, and she has made some decisions that break my heart.  Involving her boyfriend.  [I’m keeping it G rated, but you know what I mean.]  I love her, nothing changes that.  I’m just sad for her.  So

Scared. Part 1.

I told myself, and anyone who would listen, that I was NOT doing student ministry (youth group) in Nashville. Nope.  No way.  And I’ll go ahead and answer your questions- No, I’m not burnt out.  No, I’m not too old. No, I’m not over it. I’m scared. Allow me to explain. I’ve been doing student

Santa was my pace car.

The first in what hopes to be at least a THRILLOGY of films, featuring two Annies- me and this Annie.  And Hunter.  Obviously.


Last night, as I was spending some time with the Lord, this verse (Psalm 107:7-9) was literally shoved in front of my eyes.  My friends who really know me will not be surprised about this, but I passed this verse three times before I realized that maybe, just MAYBE, the Lord was trying to show

Pitcher O Soup Recipe

I’ve renamed it.  Catchy, eh? Here ya go- let me know once you try it!! ————– 3 (14 oz) cans reduced-sodium chicken broth 1 (14.5 oz) can diced tomatoes 2 carrots, sliced 2 celery stalks, sliced [PLEASE use the leafy part- it is so good for you and it tastes fine- just chop it with