Author: Annie

Annie of 2007 would be ashamed.

In my former life [as a normal adult with a job in a city with friends and family], I was quite the happy homemaker. I owned my own house.  If you are new around these parts, you may not know how much I absolutely loved my house.  I wrote about it HERE, but honestly.  I

A turtle on a fence post.

I was eating lunch with a friend last week and explaining this weird phenomenon that has occurred here in Nashville.  Prepare yourself for this shocker: People aren’t dying to be friends with me. I know that sounds weird, but stick with me.  I guess what I mean is that on the short list of skills

Oh Friday. Don’t fight me.

Aside from a long evening worrying about the future of our nation, Thursday was good.  Melanie and I shopped around the boutiques of Nashville. [And though I didn’t buy anything, I definitely know what to look for at Target and TJ Maxx today.]  We ate lunch with some FUNNY people whom I’m going to love

I am not going to get political.

I’m not smart enough to risk making a statement that might make you mad. But I watched the VP debate tonight and have thoughts. I do love that Biden mentioned Scranton. [Everyone loves to give props to Scranton.  Myself included.] And to be fair, Sarah Palin is cute as a button. So.  One very wise

Smile, Wednesday. #6

This week features one totally awesome picture.  And then some others. This Saturday at a wedding, we asked our Pastor Tom to take a group picture for us.  Well done.  [The guy on my right, Jules, looks creepy/cool in this picture.  If you can’t find me, I’m in a flowery dress standing very strange.] Well

Just blame Caroline.

I was going to blog when I got back to Nashville yesterday. But my fingertips were throbbing.  I couldn’t type or unbutton things or make toast.  Ok, actually.  I could make toast.  But it hurt.  But it was delicious.  I love toast. My fingertips were throbbing because I chewed my nails to pieces on the


#1. HUGGING. I don’t HATE hugging.  I just don’t choose it as my primary display of affection.  I have had more interesting conversations and emails this weekend regarding people feeling awkward about hugging me.  It’s been hilarious.  Let me clarify- it’s okay to hug me.  I will probably hug you.  It’s just not my FAVORITE

Feels like home to me.

Of all the love languages, how I give and receive love, I score lowest on physical touch. Well, I take that back.  I think I probably score lower on acts of service because I’m lazy.  But I think I was feeling particularly giving the day I took the test, so physical touch came in last.

Anne’s Cooking Corner

Note from your blogista: today’s post is brought to you by my favorite 12 year old friend, Anne.  She takes beautiful pictures of delicious things.  And now I’m hungry.  Leave her a comment and let her know what you think of this recipe.  Much love, bloggites! -Annie TWICE BAKED SWEET POTATOES 3 large sweet potatoes 2 oz cream cheese 2