Author: Annie

Smile Wednesday #5

Smile, Wednesday. Cause I’m home.  With my people. Tomorrow, special guest blogger with a recipe and pictures.  Ohh.  Fancy.  And it’s not Betsy- remember she’s the Giveaway Guru- she has no time for cooking! I’m home for a few days, so blogging may be sporadic.  I always say that, it never is.  But none the

A post in which I thank the people of my Tuesday.

Thank you, Brooke, for making me do those extra calf raises this morning even though I was a wee bit whiny and teary.  [I’m sore from the ears down.] Thank you, Annie P, for dreaming so big that you leave my mouth hanging open.  I am fully jealous of your skillz and when you are

Are you famous?

One of the funniest things about living in Nashville is that everybody is somebody. Present blog author excluded. There are the obviously famous people- artists and musicians and the like.  And don’t think for one country music minute that I don’t love that.  The idea that Reba and I could pass each other on the

Quirk it up, yo.

My friend Mandy tagged me this week on her blog.  I’m supposed to list 6 things about myself that are considered “quirky”.  Now, I’m going to start with six, but I can’t promise you anything.  We could go all the way to 43.  Who knows.  I’m going to try to not repeat any of my

It begin as a simple recap. Sorry.

I never fully expressed how much I enjoyed the Next Big Nashville shows that I went to on Saturday night. We got there in time to hear the uber-talented Brooke Waggoner.  I’m not kidding- hearing Brooke live for the first time was awesome.  Listening to Brooke’s music is like hearing summer turn to fall.  Knowing

Smile, Wednesday #4

Have you ever seen a real building on fire?  I hadn’t, until yesterday.  Driving home from the sushi restaurant,  I saw the smoke and followed it.  There is something about seeing a building on fire- its devastating and frightening, even when you have no investment in it.  I was surprised when I realized what I

Today is a REALLY good Tuesday.

For two reasons: #1- My friend Sandra Byrd has a book releasing today- Bon Appetit.  I’ve had the pleasure of reading it and it is FANTASTIC.  The first novel in the series, Let Them Eat Cake, is one of my favorites.  A friend of mine is reading it and she immediately commented on how real

Gracious, Dawgs.

It was a close one.  Too close.  I think I lost 5 pounds of sweat and stress and gained 6 pounds because there were really good red velvet cupcakes. I’m proud of the dawgs.  Ish. We pulled out a win, but I’m still not sure how. If this would have been LSU, bless our hearts. 

Happy weekend.

This would be my favorite SNL character, Kaitlin.  The interesting thing is that I am also a very dynamic lead singer. So we have a lot in common.