Author: Annie

It induced what doctors would call a “panic attack”.

I opened my iCal [I think I have a bit of a crush blooming there, too] today to add some very important events [my birthday, for example] and got to counting. 22 days. 22 work days. Not counting weekends, though something tells me I’ll be counting weekends as work days very quickly.   Saturdays, at least. 

In short.

Remember how I warned you that some days I would be short on blog words? Yeah, that’s today. I’ve written somewhere in the 2,000s today. That’s right. TWO THOUSAND WORDS. Not much for a “real author”, but a bit much for a noob like me. 1. BOOK CLUB. Was awesome. We read a book that

Smile, Wednesday. #2

I think I may make this a tradition. This whole “Smile, Wednesday” bit. Especially after the novella I wrote yesterday. You bloggites. You are committed if you read all the way through that thing. I don’t know if I’ve ever expressed this to you, but I need to. I can’t keep it in anymore, and


My friend Jonathan doesn’t believe in luck. In fact, in college, when we led a cell group together, I remember wishing him luck for some reason. He responded with, “Not good luck. Good providence.” I quickly adopted the phrase, more in jest, or was it? Providence. “The protective care of God”. Isn’t that beautiful? I

The Recap: San Antonio Style (spicy, with a side of guac)

The way I got to San Antonio is hilarious. Here’s how it happened. I went to the SheSpeaks Conference in Charlotte. While shopping there with Melanie and Sophie, I decided to go to Deeper Still in Atlanta. Then while sharing blogger brownies outside the Georgia Dome, I decided to go to San Antonio. I don’t

To summarize.

I’ll use some fancy words (and maybe even paragraphs) tomorrow to describe the weekend.  Oh Psalm 16, you are so good. Until then, here is your appetizer…. Made at

Beth Moore read my journal.

It’s 7:07am, San Antonio time. I am sitting on the floor of my hotel room, all the lights off, while my roomie Amy Beth still snoozles. The sun is rising out our 16th story window and I can’t decide what to do- blog or watch, blog or watch. Ok, blotch. I wanted to rush home

I’m not a wimp.

I need to go ahead and say that up front. Because at some point in this post you may say, “Annie sorta sounds like a … “, then you’ll pause, reread the title, and then say to yourself, “Well, actually, nope. She’s not a wimp. She told us that already.” It’s called being on the

And this is why I do not compete with myself. Because I always lose.

I borrowed something from a friend of mine that lives approximately two minutes from my house and I needed to take it back to her tonight. I’m also watching the movie “Under The Tuscan Sun” on Lifetime. [Yes, on purpose.] So I decided I would race to see if I could return the item and

These are the things that keep me humble.

So it went like this. I decided that to go to San Antonio for the Siesta Fiesta, I should have a manicure. Words that come to mind when I think of the type of women that will attend a Beth Moore Conference in Texas- Hairspray. Nails. Capri pants. [And Bible. Obviously.] Besides the Bible, I