Author: Annie

100,000 reasons to blog.

So today I will [barring some weird blog boycott] have my 100,000th reader. Which in the grand scheme of blogging, isn’t that many. But for someone who just started a blog to copy her sister, this has turned out rather nicely. And honestly, it’s not about my numbers compared to anyone else’s numbers. It’s about

Listen up. For some good music.

I have a few things. First of all, if Jeff Lewis is reading this, we should be friends. [Just had to get that out of the way, you never know, people. We are on a mission.] Secondly, as you see here on the top right, we have a memory verse. And by “we”, I mean

All you have to do is ask.

Some days lately have been really good.  REALLY good.  And I am grateful.  REALLY grateful. But not everyday. A few days ago was not so great.  I think, to some extent, this moving, this giving up of my life and my world and my people, its kind of like going through a grieving process.  Roller


I don’t often use my blog, and my blog readers, for my own personal gain. Except today. I will do it guilt-free today. See this man? Jeff Lewis? The star of Flipping Out, possibly my very favorite show on cable television right now? I want to know him. I want to be friends with him.

Crush Numero Uno

Oh don’t you worry. I’m sure there will be a ridiculous amount a few more to come. But this will always be my first crush in Nashville. The Frothy Monkey. The coffee shop. I mean seriously. How cute is this place? At no point in my Marietta life did I ever find a coffee shop

Smile, Wednesday.

A picture is worth… oh cliches make my stomach feel kinda funny. In an uncomfortable yucky way. On to the purpose of this post…. what a Wednesday looks like in Nashville. Well, what THIS Wednesday looked like in Nashville. Any Wednesday, heck, any good summer day, starts with Certain Dri. Wait…. you don’t know the

Annies are talented.

First of all, my roommate saw RON at Kroger today (you may remember him- I’m his baby). He was leaning on the glass in the meat department, flirting [gasp] with the butcher lady. Talking about his tattoo. In a sleeveless shirt. Obviously. I am so very jealous that I didn’t see him. I almost stole

Catch up. Ketchup. Whatever.

The weekend at home was good. Sitting at Macaroni Grille having a bellini and an apple crisp dessert and talking with your best friends for 2 1/2 hours about everything and nothing- that’s what living is supposed to feel like. Things in Nashville are, well, good. Church yesterday was awesome, ate lunch with five families

A gift for you. All of you.

Listen. Your sweet emails and comments after yesterday. You are too much. Your prayers were fully felt today. I got a couple of messages from Nashville friends saying nothing more than that they were glad I am there. Ate lunch with an awesome friend, saw two others after lunch just randomly. It honestly was a

Fresh water.

My friend Marie and I just got to iChat- talking for a while about everything and nothing. Seeing her face. Talking with the illusion that I’m not 300 miles farther away than the last time I saw her face. It was fresh water to a thirsty little heart. I know it’s only been four days,