Author: Annie

I became someone’s baby tonight.

Ok, listen. My mind is racing so fast to get this blog out because it is BLOGGY GOLD. I went to a show tonight at a place called The Rutledge. Or so the huge black stamp on my hand says. My roomie has met a guy at the YMCA and he plays in a band…

Here’s the video.

I guess watch this and then read the post below. Sorry- blame it on a new blog home- the fact I couldn’t put this with the correct post. I’m a dork. Duh.

Nashville. I live here.

This is one of those posts that will really be most enjoyable for my family. Because the common blog reader may not enjoy four minutes of me showing off my new room. A few notes of interest: #1- I really don’t have fleas. #2- Don’t stress about the mail situation. I’m sure it will work

Welcome Home.

So… when I said I wasn’t really working on my blog, that was only half-true. I was working on THIS blog. I figured if I was moving cities, I should go ahead and move blogs too, right? Why not be COMPLETELY uncomfortable and out of place in EVERY arena of life? Sounds good to me.

And to you I say BRAVO.

I have a love for the Bravo Network. Not all shows, mind you. Let me start by saying that I am NOT endorsing the beliefs of this channel or every show. There are a couple that I absolutely DO NOT watch and think they suck the good out of the room if they are on


It’s rare that I run out of things to say. I’ve been pondering a blog topic for about 24 minutes now and haven’t come up with anything life-changing, so I’ll just bring on ye old stream of consciousness, which usually ends up a wee bit weird. I’m an hour away from eating lunch with some

Third Day’s Big Day

I don’t boss you too often. Mainly because I am not the boss of you. But today. I will happily boss you twice over- #1- Get this CD. Third Day’s Revelation. It’s new and rad and fun and deep and life-giving. #2- Set your DVR or stay up late and watch Third Day on the

I believe.

Carlos put this video on his blog yesterday and I thought, “I don’t want to watch 8 minutes of a guy singing”. I am a foolish child. Because I did watch it and haven’t stopped listening to the song since. Literally. I fell asleep with my computer playing the song on repeat. It has that

I fear a picnic.

I know that’s not normal. Let me tell you how this happened. I began to peruse the website of the church I will be attending (at least for now) in Nashville. Because as you may know, I will be moving there next week. Eeek. Ok, so I wasn’t super panicked about that. In fact, I

The truth is I don’t know how.

We’ve all been waiting, myself included, to hear the summary of my trip to Scotland. After I returned last year, I did a pretty fine job of recapping the experience. So I’ve been sitting and waiting and starting and deleting and typing and coming up with not a one thing about the trip. I don’t